Why hello there

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              "Why hello there Toby it is nice to meet you, I'm (Y/N)" I said and soon after I pass out.


*Time skip brought to you by waffles*

         I wake up seeing Toby beside me in his room. "Y-Y-Y-You O-O-Ok?" He asked me and I nod my head and realize I haven't told him something. "Hey, Toby?". I asked him he looked back at me to show he was listening. "I have Congenital insensitivity to pain so I can't feel pain does that make me a monster?". He shook his head and said "Not r-really, actually I h-have it to so I would know" trying to keep his stuttering and twitching under control so he could calm me down. "So do you know what happened to me by any chance", I asked hoping to get an answer but he shook his head no, sadly. "Hey Toby"...

Find out in the next chapter! Peace out!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2020 ⏰

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