In The Library

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AN: There's smut in here, so you better watch out for that. I'm not going to say what's in it, but just know that you might be uncomfortable when you get to it.

Michael's hair is hardly blue anymore, but let's say it is just for the sake of this story.

Luke was seated at a table near the back of the public library, an open book displayed in front of him. However, he was not paying any attention to the words of the story. He was facing down, but his eyes were up and staring ahead of him. In fact, Luke was looking at one of the workers at the library.

The worker's name was Ashton (Luke found that out from listening in on conversations he had with other people) and he didn't look much older than Luke. He had wavy light brown hair and thick rimmed glasses were sitting on his nose. He had the cutest dimples whenever he smiled, Luke noticed, and he was just absolutely beautiful to the blond. Now all Luke needed to do was gather up enough courage to talk to the boy.

Luke usually never went to the library, but he was dragged in a few weeks ago by Michael, his friend. The two were supposed to work on a research project and decided to go to the city library to work. However, Michael ended up doing most of the research since Luke got distracted when he saw Ashton for the first time. Ever since then, the blond has been going to the library every day, even when it was completely unnecessary. He only went to see Ashton after all.

Flipping a page or two from the book he had randomly selected in the Nonfiction aisle, Luke noticed Ashton's eyes glancing over this way. He tried to hide the fact that he was staring by looking down at the book, but noticed that the words were upside down. He hadn't realized the book was like that in the first place, but he hoped that no one else noticed that he wasn't even reading.

The moment Luke had glanced up from fixing the book so it wasn't upside down anymore, Ashton was no longer at the spot he worked at. The blond glanced down at his wristwatch and saw that it was already six, the time that Ashton's shift ended. (He knew when Ashton got off work when the blond was watching him almost nonstop, the only time he looked away was when the worker glanced over at him.)

Luke sighed, knowing that another day had gone by that he didn't get to talk to the cute boy that worked in the library. He shut the book he didn't read at all, packed up his stuff, and went back to the aisle where he would place the book back where it belonged.

He had forgotten where he had gotten the book exactly, but he was smart enough to figure it out just by looking at the title of the book and the name of the author. He managed to locate the shelf and started looking for the book's place.

As Luke's eyes were focused on the last name of the author's, he had blindly walked into one of the library ladders, causing the thing to shake. He heard someone squeak and Luke immediately glanced up to apologize.

"Oh, I'm sorr--"

But before he could finish, something hard and heavy fell and hit him directly in the face, causing him to fall onto his back with the object still on his face.

"Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry!" the person apologized as they slid down the ladder and leaned over Luke. "Are you okay?"

As the person moved the thing that had hit Luke's face, the blond noticed that he was starting to see double. His eyes landed on the person and he let out a goofy looking smile when seeing that it was Ashton.

"Oh, look," he said in a dazed tone, "two angels came for me." Then he rested his head against the floor, his eyes closing as a somewhat content sigh left him.

"Okay, no. Don't pass out. Stay with me, please." The boy gave Luke's face a light smack, hoping to bring some consciousness back to the blond. "Can you stand at least?"

In The Library [Lashton AU/OS]Where stories live. Discover now