Chapter 1: News And Lies

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3rd Person POV:

"Today's top story; a crime scene was captured in the Homeworld Woods late last night. A man in his 40's was found dead in the forest, not a sign of life was found. The police quickly found the suspected murderer beside the body; a mysterious woman who's name is still unknown to us at the moment. She has been addressed as 'Sarah' for the time being, but when she is caught we will know for sure. She looked to be about in her late 20's or early 30's, but her age is still unknown, as well. Here is some footage from the scene;"

The news report played, muffled slightly in the small cafe Steven, Amethyst, Lapis, and Peridot sat in. It was just a few hours after school, summer break soon coming to them. All listened intently to the broadcast on the small screen. Footage played;

There was a man's body, definitely not breathing. A woman towered over it, looking down at it in slight fear. Why, though?

She wasn't especially tall, looking to be around 4'10-5'. A flashlight shown on her, a much older man speaking out,

"Hey! Stop right there!"

The female tensed, turning around slightly and quickly but her face still hidden by the darkness. She turned around and ran, leaping over a large log with ease. She was long gone by the time the police got over the log, nowhere in sight. They soon turned around after searching through every single bush and tree nearby. No sign of her. They all turned around, agreeing that they would continue to search in the daytime.

"As this footage may suggest, stay out of the Homeworld Woods for the time being. We would hate for another death to happen because of this mysterious stranger." The shuffling of paper was heard in the background, until the reporter began to speak again,

"Now, we bring you the latest news on the disease affecting many in the present time; Corruption."

All of their attention was taken off of the television, then directed at eachother. Amethyst was the first to speak,

"Wow, murder in the woods..." She said, half-jokingly, half-serious.

"Yep, I guess so." Peridot answered.

"Appearantly... I still wonder why people even murder in the first place, though!" Steven added anxiously.

"Well, nothing we should really worry about. Maybe we should just try to steer clear of those woods for the time being?" Lapis suggested. They all nodded in agreement.

"Woah, it's getting pretty late!" Peridot commented, looking at the time on her phone, "It's already 6, we should get going!"

"Yeah, we should, too!" Steven replied, standing up and looking to Amethyst who copied his actions.

"Alright! See you both tomorrow!" Lapis waved as her and Peridot headed for the door. Her roommate held the door open for them all.

"Okay! See ya guys!" Amethyst smiled, walking down a sidewalk with Steven. The other two girls went the opposite direction and they parted ways.

The walk back was quite enjoyable for Steven and Amethyst.

"So, ya think the news is true?" Amethyst asked, looking to her brother.

"Well, I don't see why they wouldn't be." He retorted, smirking, "If the news is lying to us, then I don't know what to think."

"Heh, truth." She responded. The two kept walking, little conversations starting every so often.

"So, what are you gonna do when we get back?" He looked to her, awaiting her answer and smiling.

"Well, I'm pretty tired." She yawned, stretching, "I might just go to bed when we get back. You?"

"Well, I was thinking I'd stay up for a little bit longer. Also, Connie wants to talk a bit on the phone." He said, growing suspicious.

"Alright, cool."

"Hmmm..." He hummed, "Are you sure you're tired? It's barely past 6, and you rarely go to sleep until, like, half past 11!"

"Uhm, yeah. Today's just... Been a long day for me, y'know?" She retorted.

"But, we've barely done anything  today. It's summer, too, so there has been no school for almost two weeks! Normally, if there was school, I'd say this is good. But, this is just strange now. Am I rambling? Oh yeah, I'm ranting, aren't I? Sorry."

"Nah, it's fine. You're right, it's just... Tonight's gonna be a bit different, alright?"

"Okay... I'm just worried, it's not exactly like you."

"Aww!" She teased, punching him lightly in the arm, "You care about me~!"

"Yes, of course I care about you, clod." He laughed lightly.

"Hey, now don't steal Peri's word, dude!" Amethyst joked, the two of them laughing harder now.

"Yeah, yeah. Alright." Steven rolled his eyes.

The rest of the walk back was spent joking, laughing, and just overall fun. But, something else was on Amethyst's mind. If Steven was staying up for a little while longer...

Crud! He's ruined my whole plan!!

Hello! Hope you liked the first chapter! Thank you for taking the time to read this, it means so much to me! Anyways, hope you enjoyed! Also, don't worry...

There's plenty more to come...


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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2020 ⏰

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