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This is based on a dream I had. The dream was posted on my "Kendall Jenner Imagine" book. Anyways let's get started.

My life has always been hard since the day I was born. The abuse started when I was around 4. Every little mistake I made I would get a beating. My mom watched as my dad would slap me. When I would cry he told me "Boys don't cry. Man Up. I didn't raise a girl." My mom and dad they fought a lot over the little things. It wouldn't get physically a lot but maybe a few times. But that was a lot to me. My mom told me we couldn't say anything because she wouldn't be able to take care of me. My mom lost her parents after she got married to my dad. She was a single child so she became an orphan, her grandparents died long ago. She couldn't reach out to her cousins. She truly did have a hard time with her life. I knew she loved my dad but I questioned if she doubted their love. When I was younger my mom would come in my room we would talk about whatever we wanted. One day when I was 10 I told her that I would become a superhero like Iron man I told her that I would build gadgets like him. She said "Y/n I believe you can do anything. You are brilliant my beautiful boy. One day you will become Iron man. Just dream hard enough and it will come true." Now I'm 18 and since then I've watched videos on robotics I've gathered things to build gadgets that Tony Stark would make. Making robots and whatnot helped me throughout my day. But one thing or someone made my day better. Ariana Grande-Butera she moved next to us when I was 10. I remember going to their house when they just moved in. I saw a girl my age, she was absolutely stunning. I was a young kid but I felt that this was love at first sight. We began playing tag outside and the rest is history.

General POV
Y/n is sitting at his desk tinkering with a phone that he made. He designed it so that it would not be able to be tracked, he's able to call on it. As he put the final touches on his phone he heard yelling. For 3 years Y/n took up boxing. He wanted to be able to defend himself against his dad. He built muscle he was no longer the scrawny kid that couldn't defend himself he was now muscular. Y/n set down his tools took off his goggles. He walked out of his room to see his mom on the floor crying while his dad hovered over her. He's never seen it get this bad. He ran over and threw his dad off his mother. He helped his mother up. He turned around in anger towards his father.

Y/n: Why the hell are you on top of her! Don't you see her crying!
Y/fn: Boy you do not talk to your father like that or else you will get a beating!
Y/n: You know what dad I'm tired of you! You've been abusing us since the day I was born. All you ever do is hit people. You can hit me all you want but do not hit my mother or any women! You understand me!

Y/fn walked up to Y/n getting in his face. He threw his fist at Y/n hitting him in the face. Y/n fell over holding his face.

Y/fn: I told you what I would do if you talk to me like that.

Y/fn dragged into his room, he dropped him to the ground. Y/fn repeatedly swung his fist at Y/n. After a few punches Y/n was able to grab his dad's fist twisting it. Y/n kicked his dad's feet causing him to fall. Y/n punched his dad in the face before knocking him out cold. Y/n got up knowing he couldn't stay in a house like this. He quickly got a backup, stuffed some clothes in there. He grabbed a secret stash of $10,000 putting it his backpack. He grabbed his wallet that held his credit card with a balance of $500,000 he was able to make this much amount of money due to taking odd jobs and ID. His credit card is on a private bank account his parents don't know about. He grabbed his birth certificate that he always kept. He grabbed his newly made phone and tools. His motorcycle keys. He felt his iPhone that his dad bought him. He exited his room with his unconscious dad. He walked into his parents room to his mom with tears in her eyes. Y/n walked up to his mother with tears in his eyes.

Y/n: Mom I realized that I can't stay here anymore. I have to leave. Mom you can come with me. I have money saved up to help us it's around $500,000.
Y/mn: Y/n/n my beautiful boy you know I can't leave your father here alone. I still love him. I can't leave him.
Y/n: Mom how can you love him? All he does is hurt you.
Y/mn: I know honey but I made a promise that I would always help your father.

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