Ice Cream Selpink Review

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Please don't hate me this is my opinion. So after watching Ice Cream multiple times I can say it is a hit song since it's catchy. But I think the lyrics are bland. I also think that the beat didn't fit Selena and Blackpink it was too poppy like upbeat. I'm kinda disappointed that it didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. I think Selena and Blackpink should've made a song combination like "Hands to Myself" and "How You Like That" that would've worked. Selena's voice didn't fit because she sings in a low scale like chill. With all the people producing and making the song I expected it to be more meaningful lyrics. I did like Selena's singing I do like the song but I don't love it. I did love Jisoo's part but I hoped she would've gotten more lyrics and whatnot. But I did love Rose's part cause it fit her perfectly. My type of music is like Pop but a little slow down. Like the Sweetener Album or Dangerous Women album I guess that's why I love Ariana so much cause her voice is to my liking. Also I love the Rare album and most of Selena's songs, the beats and lyrics and sounds fit perfectly to my ears. Honestly a little disappointed but I'm still gonna listen to the song. Don't attack me I'm entitled to my opinion.

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