Chapter 2: home life

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(A/n): this chapter includes self harm, you have been warned!

Zane's PoV

When I got home I went to the kitchen, threw my bag down and grabbed a knife. My parents and brothers weren't home so I was alone.

I ran upstairs to my bathroom and locked the door. Then I pulled up my sleeve revealing my pale arm, cuts and scratches scattered it.

I took the knife and started cutting my arm again, holding back the tears. watching as bright red blood fell from my arm and onto the white tiled floor.

Once I finished I washed the blood off the knife. I got some tissues and wiped up the blood of the floor, I then got more and cleaned around the huge bleeding cut on my arm. I pulled down my sleeve and went to return the knife back to the kitchen before anyone noticed.

After I grabbed my bag and ran back upstairs to my room, locking the door behind me. My bag flung across the room and hit the wall when I threw it. My body fell onto my soft bed and I curled up and started crying. I took of my mask and placed it next to me.

Time skip

I must have fell asleep because I woke up to my mom calling me from down stairs. I shouted hold on and went to look in the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror and saw that I was still in my school uniform, my eyes were red and puffy. I splashed water on my face. When I got back to my room I got changed and put on my mask, then I went downstairs.

" yeah mom," I said walking into the kitchen

" here's your dinner," she said pointing towards a plate.

"Thanks," I said

I took it and went back to my room, where I spent most of my time. I sighed and began eating.

(A/n):Hi hope you liked it.


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