Chapter 8: please.....

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Zane's PoV


That was my last thought before I drifted of to sleep.

Gene's PoV( the next day at school)

I've noticed Zane acting weird all day. He's paler than usual and he's been acting...lifeless.

I wanted to speak to him but I didn't want people to know, so I avoided it till I get a chance to be alone with him.

Time skip(at lunch time)

I managed to slip away from Sasha and Zenix to go find Zane. I think he went outside.

But what I saw wasn't what I expected to see...

He was standing behind the outside, hidden from plain sight. In his hand held a knife and blood dripped from his arm onto the grass. The knife was some how clean.

My eyes widened when this view came into contact with my eyes.

I ran up to him and ripped the knife out of his hand, throwing it onto the ground. I pulled him into a tight hug.

"G-Gene?" He stuttered

I didn't let go of him. Tears started streaming from my eyes, but I was unaware of how to stop them. I don't cry often.

"Z-Zane pl-please," I managed to stutter out

"What?" He questioned

I started sobbing louder, uncontrollably. My voice shaking as I cried.

"S-Sto-" I started, but Zane interrupted me

He placed his soft lips onto mine, kissing me, I kissed back. We continued to kiss till I calmed down a bit.

" you ok?" He questioned

"Z-Zane please stop harming yourself," I said, my voice still shaking

He nodded and we stayed there hugging till the bell went.

"Gene we have to go to class now," he said trying to walk away, But I didn't let go of him. He sighed and accepted the fact that he wasn't going anywhere

I wiped my eyes and pulled him through the back entrance of the school. We left the knife on the floor. I dragged him through the halls by his hand, not caring if anyone sees us anymore. We stopped outside of the nurses office and walked inside.

"Hello how may I help you?" The lady at the front desk said

I pulled Zane forward and showed the nurse his bleeding arm. It was still covered by a bandage but she could see the blood that seeped through.

She quickly called a lady to help us, she led us to the back room.

Zane took a seat on the bed while she rushed around looking for stuff. She came back to Zane and unwrapped the bandage, revealing a horrifying sight.

His arm was covered with blood, from the huge bleeding scar that ran across his arm. It was really deep as well. He looked like he was in a lot of pain.

The nurse took a slightly damp towel and placed it on Zane's arm, from the look on Zane's face it stung, a lot. She then got up to go get bandages. Leaving us alone.

I took a seat next to Zane.

" Zane?" I asked

"Y-yeah," he said

"Why do you keep cutting yourself?" I questioned

"Because I deserve this," he said

I was going to reply but the nurse came back. Taking the wet towel off of Zane's arm and slowly begin to wrap bandages around it.

"All done," she said with a smile

"Thank you," he said

We got up and left the room. I didn't want to go to class, I wanted to stay with Zane.

"Zane follow me," I said

He looked confused but followed me anyway. I led him back outside and through a hidden path at the back of the school.

It was a small area I found behind the school, I've not even told Sasha and Zenix about it yet. I grabbed Zane's hand and we walked over to a bush and sat by it.

We sat there holding hands, occasionally kissing and cuddling, till the end of the school day when we went home.

My little loser (Zane x Gene Aphmau fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now