Doctors and Screams

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Ochako POV:
Slowly the days went by until Thursday, I was called out in the middle of class to go talk to a psychiatrist. I lied and lied as usual. What else could I do ?! There were so many questions I hated it.

'There's nothing wrong with her.' Said the Doctor'But I'm prescribing her with pills just in case.'
'NO!' I screamed as I went to attack the doctor.
I felt strong hands catch hold of me as Kirishima and Bakugou held me back. I fought against them but they were to strong.
'Calm down Roundface!' Yelled Bakugou. Eventually I had to give in and let them drag me away.

Bakugou POV:

Me and Shitty Hair pulled her away and into my dorm. 'You're not ok Ochako!' Said Kirishima 'You've clearly not told Katsuki everything,'

I began to talk to her trying to get her to tell us what's up but she wouldn't! Eventually I screamed at her 'IM SCARED FOR YOU AND IF YOU DINT TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS UP I WILL FUCKING SCREAM!'

'Calm down!' Muttered Kirishima.
Eventually she began to open up to us a he explained about her parents being poor causing her not to eat to save them money and how she always felt pressured to do well for them. Which she said lead to her depression and self harm. ' I didn't want you to worry!' She cried. I peeled back her sleeves again, at first she pulled back but whispered 'please just show us' and she let me carry on. The cuts went all across both of her skinny arms some were dangerously deep.

Ochako POV:

I watched as Bakugou peeled back my sleeves to reveal the cuts on my arms. I looked up to see Kirishima crying. 'What's up?' I asked 'I'm sorry!'

'I didn't know this whole time yet I've done it myself!' He said. 'When I was a younger,'

I stared at him shocked. Kacchan just listened then said you're both my best friends I can't lose you!' ' I want to help the both of you,'

~A week later~

As I got ready I looked in the mirror, I felt all my insecurities coming back to me and started to cry again.

Stop crying idiot

I tried to shut my head up but it was no use, all of these voices filled my head. I ran to the bathroom and reached into my pocket, again I cut, one....two...three. 'That's enough for now.' I whispered wiping away the blood. I stared at my stomach and then the toilet, I knew what I was going to do but I couldn't stop myself. Soon it was over and I ran to class. I knew I had a lot to catch up on. I heard them all talking...
She's becoming a villan
She's faking it for attention
Did you see how bad she hurt Izuku ?

I walked in silently ignoring them all, I felt a small shock from Kaminari and a cold blast of ice from Shoto. I turned and looked at them both. They began laughing, 'SHUT UP YOU CANADIAN FLAG AND RIP-OFF PIKACHU!' I knew I'd gone too far but I couldn't stop myself. I began screaming insults until All Might came in. The day was pretty normal, I ignore the insults and random attacks with Kacchan doing a lot of screaming!

Bakugou POV:

I couldn't believe they were doing this to her! I couldn't help but scream at them whenever they attacked or insulted her. It was wrong. If only they knew what she'd been through. She never fought back which surprised me after seeing what happened this morning.

She seemed fine but she still wasn't eating which concerned me. I tried to get her to have some food but she refused. If only she could see herself how I see her!

I was constantly checking up on her asking if she was taking her pills etc. Just hoping that she's ok! She kept telling me she's fine but I'm not stupid enough to believe her. Then I got a call....

I didn't want you to worry (Depressed Uraraka x Bakugou)Where stories live. Discover now