8. Falling in love again?

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omg thank you for 100+ reads y'all,ik it's not a much but it means a lot 🌻❤️


Junhui's house was simple but beautiful

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Junhui's house was simple but beautiful. It had pale blue and white walls with small paintings and photographs randomly hung on the wall. There were dim lights in the hallway and the smell of lavender filled the house.

Minghao felt a sense of safety and comfort here but also a weird chill, he didn't even know why it was so cold in here. He couldn't explain this feeling but he definitely didn't like it a lot.

"You have a beautiful home." He told Junhui.
He smiled at him as he led him inside. "Thanks. Lately I've had lot less to do as I have my break now so I decided to finally tidy up this place." He said laughing at the end. His laughter was so bubbly and bright. Minghao already liked this guy and felt himself smile at those words too. Junhui led him into a small room with an orange light supposedly his guest room. He asked Minghao to wait for moment and walked into another room.

Minghao took this opportunity to explore the room. He looked at the different paintings. One was of a bright red Rose and one was of a beautiful sunset. It's like the paintings matched the lights. He turned to small table with 2 photo frames.

One had 4 people in it. Supposedly Junhui's family as the younger guy looked a lot like him. Beside him was a pretty little girl, slightly taller than him. Behind them stood a young couple probably being his parents Minghao thought. Junhui did look a lot like his father.

The next photograph seemed a lot more recent than the previous. Jun was in a high school uniform and beside him was his sister holding a small bouquet of daisies as both of them smiled brightly at the camera. It reminded Minghao of himself and Mingming and he smiled gently.

He turned around when he heard Junhui approaching. He handed Minghao a white shirt and a pair of sweatpants. "These will probably fit you. We don't have much of a height difference anyway." He said smiling. Minghao accepted the clothing thanking him for both that and also allowing him to stay the night.
"You can take a shower there and once you're done, we can have dinner, till then let me go warm up the food." Junhui said and after showing Minghao the bathroom he wandered into the kitchen.

Minghao was shocked. This guy was nicer to him than anyone had been to him in years. He seemed too precious for this world. After showering he put on the clothes Junhui gave him and they surprisingly fit him very well. He shook the water off his hair and walked into the kitchen. A delicious aroma surrounded him.

Junhui turned around and smiled at him. "Wow, my clothes fit you better than me!" He said laughing. Even Minghao laughed this time and that made Junhui even happier.

Making a person laugh after they had cried and genuinely making them feel happy was one the best feelings ever.

"What are you cooking? It smells delicious" Minghao asked peering over his back curiously. "Oh thanks, this is just kimchi mixed with fried noodles and a bit of chicken." He said. "Sounds tasty. Do you live here alone?" Minghao asked because the apartment had two rooms with beds indicating a roommate. Junhui fell silent for a moment before he spoke up again.

"Well someone did live here once but yeah I do live here alone for quite some time now." He said a little quietly. Minghao realised that he didn't want to talk about it. He nodded at him and made his way to the hallway and sat down on the couch. He pulled out his phone to apologize to Seungcheol about his sudden departure.

3 new messages from Seokmin
1 missed call from Jeonghan
1 new message from Jeonghan
2 new messages from Seungcheol.

Lee Seokmin:
< yo bro, you gud? I saw you run out of the café earlier this evning. ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
<hope you're fyn! tc <3
<also I got Joshua's number!!! ᕙ(͡°‿ ͡°)ᕗ

Minghao smiled at the texts.Seokmin was definitely a fun person . He was greatful for the concern. He was also quite curious as to how he got Joshua's number as earlier the day he was basically having a mental breakdown over the guy. He quickly typed out responses.

Xu Minghao:
Yeah dw I'm gud now. thnx for asking>
Also what?? How did you get his number, the last time I checked, you were freaking out->

Yoon Jeonghan:
<Hi Minghao. I hope you're better now. Seungkwan took over the remaining 15 mins of your shift. Dw, I told Cheol that it was an emergency. Inform me if you're coming tmrw. Have a gn owo :)

Xu Minghao:
Hello hyung. Yes I'm fine now. Thank you so much for informing Seungcheol hyung. I will be coming tomorrow.>
Good night.....owo>

Choi Seungcheol:
<Good evening Minghao. Jeonghan told me you had an emergency. Please inform me the next time you leave. And hope you're okay now.
<omg I'm sorry that sounded so rude 0_0; But yeahh see you tmrw~ gn!

Xu Minghao:
Hey Hyung. I'm so sorry for leaving like that! Thank you for understanding my situation. >
I will finish my shift tomorrow. Goodnight to you too.>

He chuckled at Seungcheol's text. The guy behaved like a dad with 12 children. As Minghao finally finished replying to all the texts, Junhui came in. He sat beside him on the couch and sighed as he was tired and was thankful that the hall had an air-conditioner.

"Dinner's done, it just needs to cool down for a bit, then we can have it!" He exclaimed a little excited. Minghao felt a smile automatically make its way to his face.

"You'd make a great husband someday",

he bluterred out suddenly, immediately regretting as he internally slapped himself. "I mean, I don't know why I said that, it kind of slipped out I'm sorry." He said in a hurry.

But Junhui looked surprised to hear those words. The look of surprise turned into a look of pure happiness as he beamed. "Thanks! I wish-- hope so too." He said looking at Minghao. Minghao felt like Junhui was a blessing in his life. He had so much of brightness in him and he was honestly a good person in general. He was almost the complete opposite of Minghao himself. He didn't realise he was staring until Junhui waved a hand in front of his face.

"Earth to Minghao? Let's go have dinner now" he said with a laugh. He got up and walked to the dining table, poured him a glass of water and also set up 2 napkins and began to serve the food.
Minghao stared at him. This was like a dream. How had he manage to meet a guy like Junhui? He walked up to the table and when Junhui saw him, he smiled brightly at him and handed him his plate, Minghao didn't remember the last time someone had been this kind to him. Junhui was amazing. He looked at him and smiled like at him Minghao meant the world to him before starting his meal and that's when Minghao knew he fucked up...

He was going to fall in love once again.


A/N: you guys were probably cringing reading this cuz I was. Anyway life's going downhill for me rn bc im gng to the hospital tomorrow
:') Don't forget to vote and comment! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*.✧

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