9. His touch is so cold

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"Hey, I think we might have taken it further than we should have" , Mingyu said as he and Wonwoo made their way down the subway

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"Hey, I think we might have taken it further than we should have" , Mingyu said as he and Wonwoo made their way down the subway.
Wonwoo looked at him irritated. "So you're not happy with me, right?" he asked Mingyu. Mingyu looked visibly shaken by that. "No! That's not true. I haven't been happier. It was just a dumb thought, I'm sorry..", He quickly said hoping Wonwoo wouldn't take it in a wrong way. Wonwoo stared at him for a moment and then nodded. They silently walked, it was thankfully not awkward silence and both opted for it to sort out their thoughts. Deep down Wonwoo knew that he actually shouldn't have said those words because he saw the look of heartbreak in Minghao's eyes.

The same look he'd once seen in someone, when he cheated. As usual.

As for Mingyu, he knew that he was actually never in love with Minghao but maybe after that one month or so of living together, he cared a little.
But anyway it didn't matter now because he was wih Wonwoo. He knew knew Minghao had lost his apartment before he moved in with him. Now he certainly did not know where Minghao could live anymore but since he did see him at the Café, he was probably living at someplace or so.

He pushed the thoughts about Minghao off his mind and turned to look at Wonwoo. The latter looked lost in thought too. They continued walking until they reached Mingyu's apartment. Wonwoo basically lived there now because he'd come over almost everyday. It was monsoon anyway, it began to lightly drizzle.

"Staying the night?" Mingyu asked. Wonwoo nodded and they both made their way up.


Junhui sighed after he finished his meal. He looked out the window. "Ah man, it's raining again." He said dejectedly. Minghao looked at him in confusion. "You don't like the rain?" He asked curiously. Junhui shook his head.

"No it's not that, I just wanted to take a walk, I always take walks at night because it's colder and quieter. Gives me some time to think and also admire my surroundings, it feels good to head out once in a while in the quiet nature." He explained. Minghao was mesmerized by his words.

Junhui was an interesting person indeed and in a different way from Seokmin. "I see. It's a light drizzle anyway, walking wouldn't be a problem." he said. Junhui nodded.

"Yeah, I hope it dosent get heavy. By the way...would you like to join me? I've walked alone for quite some time now." Junhui asked looking intently at Minghao.

Of course Minghao couldn't refuse that glance. "Yeah sure, I'd love to.." He said gently. After sometime the drizzle stopped. A cool breeze blew along the roads.

The two men headed down the road, enjoying the weather in comfortable silence. Moonlight twinkled in between the trees and dimly lit up the area. Plants swayed with the light wind and cold water droplets on leaves landed on both of them, a feeling of refreshment washing over.
Minghao finally broke the silence,
"So Junhui, tell me a little about yourself?" he asked looking at the said person.

Junhui looked blank for a moment and then he spoke up. "Uh, I work at a convience store but right now my co-worker Vernon is working his shift for a week..and...well..." he continued and told Minghao that he loved cats, photography, and all sorts of stuff. Even though Minghao liked this guy, there was something off about him, Minghao couldn't put his finger on it, but he just had a feeling that something wasn't right. As they walked along, Minghao nodded and responded to whatever Jun said.

While walking they suddenly came across a guy probably a little younger than them. He seemed lost.
"Um excuse me, I'm new here, by any chance do you guys know where the Pinwheel Lounge is? I think I got the wrong direction." he asked softly. Minghao looked at Jun as he himself had no idea because he was completely new to this area as well.

"Tell him that it's on the left side of the main road straight down." Jun told Minghao. He looked at the boy as he must have heard Jun too. "So you know where to go now?" he asked. The boy looked at Minghao confused. "But you never told me..." he trailed off. "Go straight down the main road and you will find it on the left" Minghao repeated a little confused. The boy smiled at him and thanked him before making his way down the road.

"Eh, why would he make me repeat the directions, he could have just followed what you said", Minghao spoke with a slightly irritated tone. Jun stayed silent for a few moments and then said "maybe he liked you better?". Minghao stared at him with a questionable look which screamed

'I met this guy 15 seconds back, what is wrong with you'

but Jun just chuckled and kept walking. Soon they both decided to call it a night.
"Are you sure I can stay over? I mean like.." , Minghao said a little uncertainly. Jun laughed this time. "Why are you always so nervous about everything? Of course you can stay!" he said in a slightly scolding tone.

Minghao felt himself smile. A genuine one after so many days...or maybe years.

Something about Jun made him feel so happy. He was just, so nice. They walked up to Jun's apartment. As Jun turned the key, Minghao noticed a tiny board next to board but it was half broken.

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That's all was left of the board. Minghao stared at it for a moment. "Hey...Junhui, what's that?" he asked a little uncertainly. Jun turned and Minghao swore that he saw panic flash across Junhui's face for a split second but he maintained his composure. "Uh that's me and previous b-- roomate's names, we thought we'd live together for quite long so we got it made.." he answered a little uncomfortably.

Minghao didn't want to push further. He really hated disrespecting other's boundaries so he nodded and walked inside.

Jun's house was so clean as if no one had been living here at all. He loved how both the beds were made.

"Which room am I sleeping in?" he asked looking at Jun who was hanging his coat on the hook at the door.
"You can sleep in my room, the bed is cozier, I'll take the guest room for tonight" Jun said. He patted Minghao's arm and headed to the other room.

"His touch is so...cold, maybe we shouldn't have stayed out so late." He thought to himself.

Minghao headed into to Jun's bedroom. It was spotless. His bed was white and had pastel blue blankets and the walls were also painted a lovely shade of Aqua.
He was about to get into bed when he noticed the photo frame on the bedside table. He studied it and suddenly his eyes grew wide. It was indeed an old picture but he knew he couldn't be mistaken.

"This is Jun but beside him....no way....is this....


A/N: hi I've fallen sick again lol
Anyway hope you guys enjoyed this chapter <3 keep reading, don't forget vote

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