The storm

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Ram took care of King for the rest of the day but King felt terrible and just wanted to apologise to his junior.

He felt guilty for not stopping Ram because he was the sober one out of them.

Ram didn't speak much the next few days. He kept to himself. He was planning to tell the truth to his boyfriend.

King went to Ram's favourite restaurant and ordered his favourite food for the take out on the weekend. He then went to Ram's dorm trying to cover his nervousness with a smile and knocked at the door.

Ram immediately knew who it could be by the hesitant knocks on his door. He didn't want to meet King before figuring out a way to tell him the truth while still keeping him in his life after that but when King's soft voice calling out his name reached his ears, he couldn't stop himself anymore.

He hugged King as soon as he saw the said senior. The senior was surprised by the sudden attack but feeling the warmth radiating off his boyfriend, he hugged him back.

Ram didn't let go and just pulled his body inside the room, closing the door after him. His arms went around King's waist as he glanced at him.

King looked like he was still trying to catch up with his boyfriend's actions. He has never initiated such an intimate touch before. The hug was innocent but the feelings that he wanted to convey through it were hot and heavy.

Ram took his hand and lead him into the living room towards the couch. No words were spoken between them as they silently enjoyed the dinner. Ram offered a t-shirt and a boxer shorts to King without saying anything and the senior understood that his boyfriend wanted him to stay over.

King felt happy as he changed into his boyfriend's clothes. Ram wouldn't have given him his clothes if he was still angry and upset with him.

When he walked out, his boyfriend patted the spot next to him on his bed. King silently walked towards the bed, feeling his heartbeat raising with every step.

As soon as King settled in the bed, Ram pulled his boyfriend over him.

King could hear Ram's heartbeat as he settled on top of him. King felt sleep taking over him as Ram softly patted his head.

Ram felt content having King close to him.

He decided to tell the truth to the senior the very next day.

The next day came way to fast and Ram found himself sitting near the gear statue with his friends as well as the senior engineering gang.

All of them volunteered to help Tee with planting trees as he wouldn't stop pestering them till they agreed.

They went on to plant trees around the campus and it was almost evening when they got done.

They were still in the engineering building just hanging out together. King offered to bring them the drinks along with Mek and Boss. They left after asking everybody's choices of drinks and food.

Bohn felt uneasy whole day seeing how King's eyes kept glancing at the junior and the love in them made him want to go back in time and never make some stupid deal with Ram.

He just wanted to end this so he called Ram and asked him to meet him. Both of them left the table at the same time and their friends looked alert as well as worried because the way they were glancing at each other was the sign of the fight that was about to happen anytime soon.

"Can you tutor me...err... us... tonight?", Boss asked King with his puppy eyes.

"Stop with that look. It only works on your husband", King replied pointing towards Mek who was busy ordering food.

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