The caring

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Ram and King woke up entangled in each other's arms.

Ram kept staring at King, the whole time without saying anything because he was still feeling the after effects of the mental breakdown he had the night before.

King touched his forehead shifting in his arms and smiled at him. He felt like his heart was going to combust any second then.

"You are still running a fever", King said pouting a little as he stood up holding his hand out for Ram to take.

Ram was reminded of the day when King held out his hand for him and asked to dance. Suddenly he became aware of the reality and he frowned.

"Why?", He whispered.

"Will you push me back again after pulling me closer like this?", He asked a little louder.

"Ram", King said sitting infront of him.

They stared at each other taking in all the details of the other's face that they haven't seen for so long.

"If I asked you to be my boyfriend now, would you say yes or no?", Ram asked.

"I would answer that only when you ask me nicely", King said flicking Ram's forehead and left the camp.

Ram wondered what the senior meant by asking him nicely. He decided to ask Thara or Mek for help.

"P' I need your help", Ram whispered to Thara at the breakfast.

"Sure Nong Ram, tell me what do you need my help with?", Thara replied smiling at him.

"Suppose I'm going to ask somebody to be my partner then how should I do that?", Ram asked trying to be as discrete as possible.

"NONG RAM IS GOING TO ASK SOMEONE OUT", Boss announced as he overheard the conversation by chance.

Ting, Phu, Tee, King and Ram said simultaneously.

"It's obviously our dear friend King", Mek added joining the party to make Ramking more flustered then they already were.

"Wonder what happened at night that helped them in reconciliation", Bohn and Ting said together and others laughed.

"Ram must have shown him his skills", Duen said out of nowhere and everybody looked at him like he has grown two heads.

"What? Why are y'all looking at me like that?", Duen asked innocently and then he recalled his words and his eyes widened comically when he realised what others must have interpreted from his words.

"I meant his skill in persuasion", Duen added blushing furiously and hiding his face in Bohn's chest.

"We get it nong", Frong said laughing at the junior.

"Well your doctor must really have some nice skills to turn you from serious jerk to a ball of sunshine", Boss said and everybody but Frong laughed.

Frong threw a spoon towards Boss which was easily dodged by him as he jumped into Mek's lap before the spoon reached him.

"I'll get you back on that", Frong said glaring at Boss who simply stuck his tongue out at him.

"He just called you 'ball of sunshine'.  Is that a bad thing now?", Thara softly asked Frong, reaching out to hold his hand to calm him down.

"Isn't it?", Frong retorted.

"No.. it just means you're a changed person now. You used to frown a lot in the past. Now whenever I see you around P'Thara, you're always smiling and well that's a good change", Boss added smiling at Frong who was suddenly blushing due to all the attention on him.

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