Part 4

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I wake up to the sound of knocking. I open my eyes and get up, stretching as I walk to my door. I open my door and see Taylor.

"What do you want?" I say, tiredly.

"Uh so Ellie's going to bring me to school today." Taylor says, putting her hands together, behind her back.

"Okay." I shut the door, walking back to my dresser and getting some clothes. I put on a black t-shirt, black ripped jeans, and my black vans. I decided to put on a chain necklace and different gauges. I could probably size up soon but i don't really want to, I like how they are. I put on my black hoodie and walk into the bathroom. I do my morning routine then I walk downstairs. I go to the kitchen and get some waffles. I walk into the living room and see my mom. She was getting ready for work.

"Good morning, mom." I say to her as i sit on the couch.

"Oh, you're awake early." She says smiling at me.

"Yea, Taylor woke me up to tell me she's going with Ellie."

"Okay." She grabs her keys to her car. "She left already and i have to go now too."

"Okay bye mom."

"Bye sweetie." She walks out of the door and goes to work. I walk outside and get my skateboard. I start skating to school. I put my headphones in and listen to lil peep. I skate pretty slow because i'd be pretty early if i didn't. i've been skateboarding since I was 12.

After like 20 minutes of skateboarding i finally get to school. I get off my skateboard and clip it to the back of my backpack. I walk into the school and go to my locker. I grab my stuff for my classes and then walk to my class.


It's lunch time except i don't wanna eat, so i go to the bathroom. I go in the bathroom and look in the mirror. Damn I look like shit. I get my vape from my hoodie pocket and take a few puffs, blowing them out as i do.

"Vaping in the school bathroom, isn't that pretty cliche?" I hear a voice behind me say. I look behind me and see a shorter brown haired boy.

"Yeah i guess so." I say, chuckle as I do a ghost.

"I haven't seen you around here." He says as he sits on one of the sinks.

"I just moved here."

"Oh okay." he smiles at me. "So why aren't you at lunch?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Well I don't care, you're coming to lunch with me and meeting my friends." He gets off of the sink and starts dragging me to the cafeteria.

We get to the cafeteria and we sit with 2 other people. I sit next to the boy who just dragged me in here. Everyone looks at me, not in disgust or anything, they just look.

"Guys this is..." He looks at me.

"Miles." I wave at them.

"Miles, this is Gianna and Ellie." He says pointing to the two girls. "And i'm Jacob."

"Wait, Ellie?" I look at the red haired girl. "Aren't you my sisters friend?"

"Taylor Blake?" Ellie say, raising her eyebrow.


"I thought you looked like someone!" Ellie smiles at me. I nod and then Gianna slides half of a sandwich to me. I give her a confused look.

"You don't have anything to eat so have some of my sandwich." she smiles.

"Oh, thanks." I smile back and start eating.

"So why'd you move here?" Jacob asked me.

"My mom got a new job here."

"oh okay."


I was in the middle of my ELA(language arts) class when i feel a tap on my shoulder. I look over and see a tall blonde boy.

"Yeah?" I say kinda pissed off because i don't want to talk to anyone right now.

"I just wanna say sorry about my friend Bryan for yesterday." He says rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh yeah it's fine i don't really care." I say, leaning on my hand. "I'm Miles." I introduce myself.



I skated home, listening to my music. When i got home i went straight to my room, putting my stuff away and then putting my pajamas on. I walk downstairs and go to the living and sit on the couch. Taylor was already there, watching the tv and texting someone. My mother isn't home yet, she had to work late today, so that means we won't have dinner unless we made it ourselves. I'm kinda glad she's not here anyway because i didn't want to eat. I look over my sisters shoulder, trying to see how she's texting.

"Who are you texting?"

"Ellie." She looks at me.

"Oh, i met her today at lunch."



After a while of watching and talking with Taylor i get up and walk to my room. I shut my door and lock it. I sit on my bed then get a text.

-Jacob: Hey just wanna know if you want to go to a party with me tomorrow-

-Me: Yea sure-

(Trigger warning)

I set my phone down on my bed and get up. I'm so tired of feeling like shit. I lean down and get the wooden box under my bed. I open it and get the razor out. I put it on my dresser and go in the bathroom to get a rag real quick. This isn't my first time so i know what I'm doing. I quickly go back to my room again. I put the rag down on my dresser and pick up the razor. I look at it for a bit before slowing pressing it against the skin of my wrist. I make 4 cuts into my wrist then watch as my blood falls down my arm. I quickly get the rag and try to clean everything up.

I hear a knock on my door. fuck. I quickly put the razor away and hide the rag.

"Miles?" I hear my mother say. I guess she's home.

"Y-Yeah." Fuck i stuttered.

"I just wanted to tell you i'm home."

"okay." I say, sitting on my bed looking at my wrist. My mom had already walked away. Old and new scars fill my wrist. I feel my eyes fill with tears. I can't do this shit. I lay down and close my eyes, falling asleep.

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