Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 sorry if there some mistakes :v
After quite a time of explaining the shipgirls of what happened and where they came from the shipgirls were both surprised and amazed

Wales: So you are telling us that you are from the future and the sirens invaded your world?.

Elizabeth: That is correct Ms. Wales.

They were in the room still drinking tea, PoW was there while Nimitz and Yasov went to explore the base

PoW: I surely hope those two won't make any trouble.

Elizabeth nodded agreeing

Wales: Why is that?.

Elizabeth: Nimitz she probably won't cause much trouble but Yasov.

PoW: Well let's just say he's a bit of a... troublemaker.

Wales: We will keep an eye on him do not worry.

PoW: Many thanks Madam.

He secretly winks at her which made her blush in embarrassment

Wales: A-Anyways.

They start to chat again for a couple of minutes

Nimitz and Yasov's pov

The Super Carrier and the Battleship were walking around the base trying to find something interesting

Yasov: What does it like to live in the US?.

Nimitz: It's pretty nice nothing else, minus mister blonde haired Donald duck.

Yasov: Ah yes Mr. 'Let's make America great again'.

Nimitz: How does it feel like to live litterally near the Arctic sea?.

Yasov: Eh... cold...lonely...quiet.

Nimitz: I...see.

After a few minutes of walking they arrived at the port, Nimitz bumped into someone and looks at who she bumped into

It was a girl with long silver white hair with a hat

Nimitz: Who are you!?.

She pointed at the girl which the girl pointed back at her as they both just stand there pointing at eachother

???: Who me? How about you!?.

Nimitz: You first.

Enterprise: USS Enterprise CV-6.

Nimitz: USS Nimitz CVN-68 Super Aircraft Carrier.

There was a long pause until Enterprise spoke up

Enterprise: So you were the one who saved our base, thank you.

Nimitz: Your welcome.

Yasov: Wow I feel left out.

Enterprise: And you are?.

Yasov: SBS Yasov Modern Battleship.

Suddenly Cleveland and his- I mean her sisters came

Cleveland: Hey your the one who downed all those planes.

Yasov: Yes thanks to my CIWS.

Denver: CIWS?.

Yasov: Close In Weapon System, Both me and Nimitz have them.

Columbia: Cool.

Elizabeth: Seems like you two are enjoying yourself.

PoW and Elizabeth walks towards them with Wales and Illustrious

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