Christmas Special

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This will be a short chapter cuz idk what else to put oof

It was the December the shipgirls and shipboys were decorating the base with many Christmas decorations

Many were also just enjoying the day and throwing snowballs at eachother

PoW and Wales were outside looking at the base being decorated

Wales: It is finally Christmas, I've been waiting for this. She says

PoW: Yeah me too. He says and exhales

Wales looks at him and smiles

Wales: Where are the rest of your allies?. She asks

PoW: There. He says and pointed somewhere

Nimitz, Ford, Arleigh, and S. California were having a snowball fight with the Souveran ships that was in a fort made out of snow

Nimitz: This is cheating! They're literally in a snow fort!. She shouted and threw a snowball that hitted Ford instead

Ford: Oi! What the fuck!. He shouted

Yasov: Hahaha! Taste the might of Souveran!. He shouted

Fritz grabbed a DMGÄH Heavy Machine Gun and aimed it at the American ships

Fritz: Say hello to my little friend!. She shouted and fired lots of snowball from the gun

The American ships screamed as they were gunned down by the snowballs

Krutohz: Welcome to our season bitch!. He shouted

Yasov: Es lebe Souveran!. He shouted

The three Souveran ships letted out a warcry and fired snowballs at the American ships from their Machine Guns

Wales stared at them and then looks at PoW

PoW: Yup, that's them all right. He says chuckling

The two continued walking around the base while holding hands with protection aka winter gloves

A few Destroyers were running around playing with one another

The two went to the cafeteria and exhales and took a seat

Elizabeth approached the two

Elizabeth: Good morning you two. She greeted them with a smile

PoW: Good morning Your Majesty. He greeted back

Wales: Good morning. She greeted as well

Elizabeth: How are you two?. She asked still smiling

PoW: We're good Your Majesty thank you for asking. He says

Wales nodded at her and smiles at PoW

Elizabeth sat with them and drinks her hot tea

Elizabeth: Any of you seen Yasov?. She asks

PoW: He's with Fritz and Krutohz massacring the American ships with snowballs. He says and sips his tea

Elizabeth giggles at the thought of that and exhales

Elizabeth: I've been waiting for this day. She says

Wales: I think we all did. She says

Bung Tomo and Joze walked in with their Prisoner of War Scirè

Bung Tomo: Lu lakuin hal mencurigakan gua sodok luh lake bambu runcing. He says

Joze: I have my Itak ready just in case. He says

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