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Soonyoung was walking to the school with his hands holding his bag and face covered with a tiger like mascot.

There are still some students who gossips about soonyoung but soonyoung didn't give a bit of care.

"Hey why is he wearing a mascot?" The new girl asked.

"He's ugly that's why" the other girl said.

"Have you seen his face?" The new girl asked again and the 2nd girl thought about it.

"Well yeah..to be honest. He's not really ugly. I don't know why students bully him here" she explained.

"Then why did you call hin ugly earlier?" The 1st girl asked.

" if i didn't, i'll get bullied too" the girl explained.

Soonyoung was still walking through the hallway when he heard a familiar voice.

"KWON SOONYOUNG" he looked up meeting the pink haired small boy. President jihoon.

Some other students gasped because the most popular and cute boy in school called the bully victim in front of everyone.

Jihoon walked up to soonyoung and smiled at him.

"Let's go together!" Jihoon exclaimed and soonyoung nodded.

Jihoon and soonyoung was walking side by side while students are still whispering about the moment right now.

"Don't mind them, soonyoung" jihoon said.

" i don't really mind them" soonyoung answered. "Ah" jihoon ran out of replies.


" and the best song goes to ... " the music teacher said in suspense while the students with their partner are praying for them to win.

"KWON SOONYOUNG AND LEE JIHOON" the teacher announced.
"Please come here in the front and take this trophy" the teacher said.

The two walked up infront and recieved their own trophy.


The two boys are in the rooftop holding their sodas. "I told you we'll win" jihoon smiled.

"Yeah" soonyoung replied.

"Are you okay?" Jihoon asked.

"Do you only want to see my face president?.. are you going to bully me too? Say that im ugly?" Soonyoung said with a hint of sadness in his tone.

"Wh-what? NO! No soonyoung no..i ..no, i just want to be your friend. Please don't think of that. Im sorry you felt that because of me" jihoon apologized and hugged soonyoung.

"Trust me kwon, i won't never ever judge you. Okay?" Jihoon assured soonyoung looking at his mascot. And soonyoung just nodded.


The boys were in their perspective house, infront of their notebooks. Thinking on what to write.

Although im excited to see your face
I'll make sure that i won't hurt you
And..if possible, i'll love you
Its too fast to fall in love
But this feelings is all that i have.

I really hope you'll trust me, mascot boy soonyoung <3

- jihoon

Should i trust him?
Or should i just avoid him?
But i want to have someone
Someone who can light my dark shits
Someone whom can i cry with

President jihoon. I'll trust you


Aight this sucks . :>
Pls vote ehe


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