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A/N: alright guys this is my second fanfiction but first Xreader. My first one is about NatsuxLucy. PM and I'll send you the link, it's on another platform.

Sooooo, I've recently developed an unhealthy relationship for Bakugou Katsuki *facepalm, I'm too old for this* sigh and this quarantine does not make it any better. Anywho let's get this baby on the road.

(Y/N) your name
(L/N) last name
(H/C) hair color
(E/C) eye color

Your quirk is Quake and you're also a genius at hand to hand combat. You've impressed a lot of people because they thought your quirk would only be good for close combat. At the final exams to move up, you launched a well calculated long rang attack earning the title "Most Improved for Quirk Development".


*I purposely cut his speech short we know how emotional Almight can get*

Almight: I just wanted to congratulate all the students from class 1A. They have successfully made it to class 2A -slightly gets emotional because his students are growing up too fast-. We will now raise our glasses to propose a toast to these young talented students.

*Everyone raises their glass, as if on queue. Chrome blue and pearl white balloons started to slowly fall from the high ceilings of the dining hall*

Everyone cheered in excitement. Parents/guardians hugging their child/children. Grateful that they will be able to make some positive changes in society. They mingled, chatted, some parents even went as far as rubbing their kids accomplishments in other parents faces. -coughs ... Endeavor-


The group chat for class 1A... Or class 2A started going off.

Momo: Hey guys, so my parents decided to leave right after the ceremony to go on a "vacation". House party @9?

Mina: OMG I'm down!

Tsu: Me too

Ochaco: YEESS I'm in!

Kirishima: The Bakubro group will be making an appearance

(Y/N): Hell yeah!

Jiro: I got the music in the bag

Mineta: 😏

Mina: creep ☝🏼

Todoriki: I will be there

Tenya: My ETA will be 8:30pm.

Izuku: Idk guys...

Ochaco: Come on Midori it wouldn't be the same without you 🙏🏻PLLEEAASEE🙏🏻

Hagakure: I'll be there!
You should definitely come Midori

Mashirao: I'll come too

Koda: Maybe next time guys, I'm going on an expedition with my parents. Izuku I need you to fill me in when I get back ok?

Izuku: Alright I'll go

Ochaco: 🎉🎉🎉

Ayoama: great, I'll bring my cousin!

*Message read*

Momo: ok great, I'll assume everyone else is a no show. Can't wait to see you guys later. Dress to impress 😏

The girls (including yourself) all squeaked at the last message. (Y/N) what are you gonna wear? Asked Mina. You twirled a strand of your (H/C) hair "I was thinking something tight and short maybe, how about you?" you chuckled a bit. "A dress!" She responded happily. She was way too riled up for you at the moment. You were kinda annoyed that your parents wanted to talk to literally everyone in the room.

Ochaco and Jiro made their way over and joined the conversation. You poured yourself some punch because you became parched all of a sudden. Then when you looked up you saw a familiar face staring at you from the Bakubro group. You blushed a little when his red pupils met your (E/C) orbs. You attempted a slight wave but he rolled his eyes at you. -Ouch fucking asshat, you mumbled to yourself-

Mina chuckled and poked your arm "forget him, he doesn't know what he's missing out on" she giggled and you did too. "Ya, he really doesn't" you bit your lips and your eyes met his again. This time you were the one that got to roll your eyes. Even turning your back too -score-.

You were just in time to notice you were about to be apart of the girls selfie and you flashed your infamous smirk. You were never one to really smile anyways.

Within the next half an hour everyone disbanded and got there parents so they could go home and get ready for the night. You gave your parents the details and let them know they'll see you in the morning... Or some time the next day. After all, you were 17 and a hero in the making. You knew how to take care of yourself.

*Leave me comments guys, I love me some feedback*

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