Ms. Styx (prt. 4)

138 9 2

Tags: the sEXUAL TENSION—; part 4 :>

Summary: the boatman has come to save the day.

Word Count: 2781

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"All I know is Russo's head has a bounty that increases every hour. And in this case," you eyed the messages on your phone, "it's rapidly increasing."

"Then why aren't you going to kill him? I mean, it's a good thing that you aren't but like... ya know? Why?" The guy in green asked. You eyed him as you took the fork from Hiro and pierced another chocolate.

"I don't want nothing to do with that nasty swine," you simply replied with a growl. You can see how he recoiled and you only giggled at that.

"How many assassins do you think are inside this room?" The girl in red asked, she was holding her champagne and her other hand was holding a cupcake.

"I can't give you a definite number, but all that I can say is, a lot," you replied.

"Can we do anything to stop them?" Hiro asked from beside you. You turned to look at him, "Oh Pallas my love, why are you so naive? Try and play with the hungry predators, you become their prey."

"Well, as they say prevention is better than cure. We need to call Chief Cruz, this is enough information," and with that, the girl in red whipped out her phone. But just as she did so, the crowd then suddenly started to panic.

You smirked, "A bit too late for that."

You smiled as your phone rang, you answered it in front of them. "Hello?"

"Did you see the action?"

"Sadly not my boatman. The desserts are just too good to let go," you replied. You took another chocolate and popped it in your mouth.

"I can see the culprit! Let's go!" With that, Hiro started dragging you with him. You groaned. "So, you're dragging me into this to play hero huh? Great! Looks like we're siding with the Gods!"

"Hey? Y/N? What's going—" your phone was snatched from you by the girl in black. She smirked in triumph as she ended the call. You glared at her.

"Give that back!" She only teasingly waved it in front of you. You growled at her.

"Don't be such a slow poke there, Darling. Hurry up!" Hiro exclaimed. You gritted your teeth in annoyance as you run besides him.

"I can't believe I'm doing this!" You exclaimed, annoyed.

"Well, you are now. Welcome to the club!" The guy in blue said. You rolled your eyes.

The 6 of you ran up the stairs, trying to chase the guy.

"He has a gun! Are you insane?!" The guy in green said.

"Shut it, Wasabi. We need to catch this guy and get him to jail, together with this Miss Annoying right here," the girl in black said as she effortlessly ran up the stairs.

"Damn, running would be easier if I wasn't tied up to some idiot!" You exclaimed.

"Excuse me?!" Hiro questioned from beside you but you saw how the culprit turned around, gun in hand and he aimed.

"Watch out!" You exclaimed and all of you covered behind a wall as the culprit made bullets rain. You were gritting your teeth, grinding them together.

"This entire situation is really making me annoyed," you whispered to yourself. Hiro beside you only rolled your eyes, "Will you at least try to be patient then?"

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