Ms. Styx (prt. 5)

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Tags: thE SEXUAL TENSION, I—; part 5; last part

Summary: she didn't know what she was stepping into, turns out it was a remembrance to the past.

Word Count: 3538

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Your hair was out of your face, braided neatly behind the back of your head. You were donning the black mask that you wore when you first encountered the heroes. With the gun in hand, you wore a black tank top, black leggings and boots. Your belt was filled with extra ammunition, and behind your back, an MG (machine-gun) was casually hanging there.

You casually stood there beside a tree, looking at your watch and waiting for the clock to strike midnight. The roads were silent, but as for the building of the company, some lights were open and you were mentally memorizing the map of the building.

It was already two weeks after the incident at the charity ball. And you heard that the money that you donated got to where it was supposed to go. You were satisfied. Though, some assassins were dismayed that they didn't get to hold the hard cold bounty that was 13 million. You rolled your eyes at how selfish they were.

When the clock struck midnight, you immediately began moving. You weren't fazed with the notion that the cameras were watching you. And when you were at the entrance, you grinned and waved at one, before you shot the lock using your hand gun, of course with the silencer, and you then entered and started moving inside.

You immediately differentiated the company guards from your prey's men. Security was, of course, dressed with the usual white uniforms where as his men were all in black tux. How classic. You only shot those who were in black.

You left a trail of blood and bodies in your wake, unfazed by the amount of them scattered in the hallway.

You arrived in front of his office, gun in hand and a few blood was on your skin. But you didn't mind that. You tried to open the door, but it was locked. You growled and shot it. Quickly reloading, you opened the door to see that you had company.

You rolled your eyes, "Hello Big Hero 6," you greeted.

Their leader growled at you, "Hello there to you too, Styx."

"Ah, Pallas my love! Glad to see you!" Sarcasm was dripping with each word.

"You—" your prey pointed at the group and you who was standing at the door, "—you're together?! As in together-together?!"

You grinned maliciously, "Simon George! You're finally using that brain of yours to think! I feel proud of you! I love how you share the same love for mythology as I do but sadly, I don't like rats that much."

"Styx—" Gogo wanted to charge at you, but Honey held her shoulder, "She has a gun. We need to disarm her first."

"Would you look at that! We're after the same person, Darling," Hiro said, sarcastically. But he wasn't pleased. Not one bit.

"Sadly, it seems that you want him alive. I want him dead on his desk," you growled.

"I thought you'd like my head on a platter," George growled. You glared at him, "No I think yours looks better on the sewers. No one likes to look at dead rats."

"Baymax," Hiro commanded his friend, the robot turned to look at him, waiting for his command. He held a hand up, signalizing the robot to raise his rocket fist and to just prepare for his next signal.

"Oh joy! You have a friend with you! Wait, wasn't he also there when I killed Velasquez?" You questioned as you saw Baymax.

"You—! You killed Velasquez?!" George asked with a growl.

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