Broken Walls... Broken Heart!

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Hey guys this is my first ever time writing so please take it easy on me! I hope you enjoy!  

Mimzy1 x x x x

Chapter 1!

I feel beautifully numb! Who would have thought It?.... my last moment in a bath?! I hate baths I'm more of a shower type of girl! O well, the water is now completely crimson I can't feel my arms and for the first time in a long time I feel good! I'm in charge! Today I decided that this is it! I went to the chemist got some razors and am taking the easy way out! 

My eyes are starting to feel really heavy now! I see His face and then darkness!.....

OK so I should probably start from the beginning right? Well it started with about 7months ago....

My pocket vibrated PING! Arghh someone loves me! Yay! I took out my blackberry and started to read... My friend Sharon is filling me in on another guy she has hooked up with! Sigh* "his sooo nice Amie I think I really like this one its defo different this time! We went on a date and when he kissed me I swear it was like there was fireworks! His the one I'm sure!" She told me excitedly! 

I wish someone would notice me! I want a firework exploding toes curling kind of kiss! I have no luck when it comes to men I swear I'm hopeless! :( 

PING! PING! PING! "Amie!! Helllloooooo where have you gone?!" Oops totally spaced out there! "Sorry Shaz (nickname for Sharon) I was just thinking when I'm going to get so lucky? Were did you meet him? What's his name details details details!!! O and what happened to what's his face?!" I typed fast to her knowing she gets impatient when she doesn't get a reply asap! 

"OK so his name is Ben his 23 and his studying law in uni at the mo arww I'm so happy! :) we met on pof and the other guy who's name shall not b named his a loser! ;) " she replied 

"OK... What the heck is a pof? Aww cute pic of u both! That is him in ur profile pic right?! Lol :s" 

"Pof.... Plenty Of Fish! Its a dating social networking site! There are some really hot guys on there I think you should join have some fun! Come on its been ages hasn't it! Not all guys are the same Amie it is OK for you to get out there and mingle! O n yes that's him his a hotty right?!" Sharon replied matter of factly! 

Grrr why does she have to know me its like she reads my thoughts! 

"Yeah his a cutey! :)... Hmm I dnt think I'll join that site it will just be embarrassing when no one message's me n blah blah so ill skip thanks anyway!" 

"Don't be such a chicken join it and in a week if no one messages you then delete it.. Go on for mee plzzz! Plzz! Plzzzzz!" Erghh I can tell she is whining out loud as she types this to me! 

"Gosh ok ok! What's the site? 1week only Shaz!" I reply. Waiting for the site address 

" :D yay! Join and let me know! I'm going sleep now work in the morning! Night babe!" 

"Night Shaz!" I reply... Hmmm when should I join?... Let's just get it over with now! I type in the address and fill in the details, as I get to the end of the page I hover the mouse over the submit button.. Should I? I dno? Arghh screw it what the hell only live once right!!.....


OK so lemme know what you think! Comment! Vote! :)

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