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Izuku groaned as he came to. His head was pounding and he was immediately overwhelmed by the dull ache surging through his body. He attempted to move his arm up to his head, in an attempt to ease the pain there.

Except, he couldn't move his arm. What the hell? He tugged harsher, eyes snapping open to find that his arms were restrained above his head in tight, harsh ropes. They dug into the pale skin of his arms, creating harsh red lines as he thrashed in his restraints.

His eyes quickly scanned around the room, finding that he was in a room he had never seen before. Though the room was dark, he could tell that the walls were silver and seemingly made of metal. There was a bed resting in the corner of the room, with plain sheets covering it. Next to it, was a small wooden dresser with one small drawer. Other than that, the room was bare. Weird, he thought to himself.

He tried to plant his feet more firmly on the ground, but the position of his arms wouldn't allow for more than the tips of his toes to brush against the floor. He shivered as the cool air caused goosebumps to rise across his skin. At some point, his shirt had been removed, leaving him in only his jeans.

He struggled to remember what happened and how he ended up here... he remembered leaving the dorms at UA, and heading towards the train station. It was friday, meaning he had the weekend off to go home to visit his mother. She would be worried that he hadn't made it there yet... and he had promised Kachaan he would text him when he made it home. Kachaan normally took the train home with him, they had lived practically right next to each other anyways, but he was staying behind this weekend for some extra training with Kirishima and Kaminari.


He decided he had waited long enough. He had to see who was here, maybe someone would hear him and help.

"Hello? I-is anyone here?" he yelled nervously.

He waited a few moments, but heard no response. He grunted in annoyance, panic beginning to bubble up in his chest. Had they kidnapped him just to abandon him in some stinky old... warehouse? Hospital? Where the hell was he anyways?

"Let me go!" he yelled, thrashing in his restraints again. His wrists throbbed, pain shooting down his arms.

Just as he was about to yell again, the door to the room slammed open and smacked harshly against the wall. Izuku flinched back at the sudden motion, and as much as he tried not to, he began to shake harshly in fear. Get it together, he thought harshly.

He tried to activate One for all, only for nothing to happen. What the fuck. What the fuck. What the fuck.

"Aw, how cute. He's trying to use his quirk. Isn't that adorable, Dabi?" a voice laughed menacingly. Izuku narrowed his eyes at the two figures entering the room. The one that was referred to as Dabi shut the door behind the two of them, before roaming further into the room and standing next to... was that? Wait..

"Don't worry about using your quirk, we've injected you with enough quirk cancelling serum to last the next 24 hours. It's nice to see you again, Midoryia! It's been quite some time... why, since the mall I presume? Have you missed me?"

Shigaraki. He had been captured by the league of villains, and nobody had any way of knowing. He just hoped that Kachaan wouldn't make any rash decisions in looking for him, but knowing his boyfriend... he probably would.

Izuku rolled his eyes at the question, refusing to answer. He glared at Shigaraki, waiting for his next move. He had to be ready for anything... there was obviously a reason he was here, right? He just had to wait for his opportunity to find that out. Whatever information he could gather during his time here, the more useful it would be to help the Pros bring down the league.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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