Part 10: Tough Day

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Author POV

Lily went to her room and stood there looking at her bed where she growl angry as she suddenly groan angry where she turned around swinging her fist and brutally punched the wall causing a hole seeing her fist went through. She start screaming angry like a roar lion inside her room as she can't stand these kind of people having bad attitude towards her and even worse showing disrespect to her mother. She wants to lay her hand on his face but she knows they're popular idols. Lily stayed in her room the whole time as she knows, once she step out from her room, she'll have that feeling of anger when she sees him. Apparently, Lily is sure wonder why she's like this, getting angry easily and many things people are not familiar of what she's doing. She then went to her bathroom that's in her room like a master bedroom, as she start taking her clothes off one by one, she then hop in the shower by taking her time washing her long layered black hair and now her whole body. After taking her time showering, she came out with towel around half of her body as she walk to her closet getting new comfy clothes. She wears her undergarments then black jersey shorts, sport bra and lastly her black tank top, where she now make her way to the door. Once she opens the door, she sees the boys standing in front of her with looks on their face full of concerns as she doesn't know why they're looking at her worried.

Lily: "um, why are you guys looking at me like that? " She looks at them confused still while standing there then lean side against the door frame of her room, while waiting for either of their response.

Namjoon: "Is everything alright? We heard a loud sound from your room. "He said with concern from his tone as he look at her still in her eyes.

Lily look around inside her room seeing nothing but didn't tell Namjoon about the hole on the wall she created on the side behind the door, as she shook her head of denying of what's happening in her room.

Lily: "Nah, everything's good. Also did you guys eat already? "She asked with a calming sound from her tone as she make her way outside her room while closing the door behind her.

Jungkook: "what a liar. Maybe she just thinking of killing herself that she had enough of being here with us. "He then suddenly spoke up where Lily stopped with her back facing at them as she gripped her fists tighten where she let out a long heavy sigh.

Lily: "kid, if I ever hear you speak up again, I'll literally ripped your throat and roasted in the oven. " She said out of thinking as she doesn't care of how he feels about it but she had enough with his attitude towards her also his girlfriend.

The boys were shocked of hearing those harsh words from her where they turn to Jungkook and glare at him

Jin: "do you really have to say that? Huh? How many times do we have to tell you to shut up? "He asked stern tone of his voice while glaring at him

Jungkook: "what? Why do you guys have to be on her side? "He asked seeing his hyungs looking at him angry or annoyed from his attitude.

Lily just went straight to dining table and took any seat as she look at the food that's already been served where the boys took their seats also but except Jungkook who doesn't want to eat.


I looked over at Jungkook and I let out a heavy sigh as I look at the others who are already start eating and suddenly heard someone's phone ringing. I look up across from me seeing Lily got up walking to the living room getting her phone from the table at the center of the couch. We all look at each other and let out a sigh again.

Me: "you're not going to come and eat Jungkook? " I asked looking at our maknae who changed so sudden as we all know he usually eat with us but ever since he dated this girl Sooyoung, he suddenly distance himself from us and we don't like it at all.

Jungkook: "hell no, I don't wanna eat while she's here." He said as he got up leaving Lily's dorm and went somewhere but we know he'll be going to our dorm to be alone by himself or be with his girlfriend.

Me: "Does he seriously have to be like that? " I asked as I like at my food while the others are sighing and shaking their heads while we waited for Lily to be back after her being on the phone.

Namjoon: "He's sure changed a lot and it's not good at all either. " He said as we all heard the door opened then closed where we all look up seeing Lily walked to the table but we see her look on the face is not good like she's angry.

We all start eating with silence around the dining room and I looked around seeing the others are looking at me like I need to do something or say anything to break the awkward of it. I then clear my throat and the others look at me then back at Lily who's still quiet while eating her food.

Taehyung : " wow, the food is good Lily " he said as he look at me then the others said the same where I look over at Lily seeing her drinking her glass of water and let out a heavy sigh

Lily: "I'm glad you guys like the food. I did my best but you got to thank Jin because he did the rest "she said as I chuckle where I took another bite of my food

Me: "Well, even though I did the rest but I was helping you cooking. So, the credits goes to you Lily "I smiled at her as she look at me and finally we see her beautiful smile as she chuckle while nodding.

All this dinner time, we all had enough after all the tough things we went through this whole day but especially for her because I know she has the roughest day in her first day in the company because it's sure hard for her to be working as our designer also doing school home works. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2020 ⏰

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