Chapter Four

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"Fuck," Steve curses quietly to himself, seeing that the call went straight to voicemail for the fourth time in a row. He was currently at the entrance of the school. Bucky wasn't really the one to come early, but he always answered his texts and calls. Or he at least just read the messages. But he didn't even peek at them, which was odd.

"He's not answering is he?" Nat sighed, crossing her arms as she stood beside Steve.

"No.." Steve stuffs his phone in his pocket with a frustrated huff, "I don't know why he's not answering. It's one thing that he doesn't come to school, but it's another when he's not even reading the texts.."

"Calm down, he's probably sleeping in," Sam pointed out, "Y'Know Bucky sleeps a lot. He's always tired for some reason. Those bags could carry groceries."

Nat snickers, "The heavy groceries like milk and laundry detergent." Her and Sam laugh.

"This isn't the time to make jokes guys," Steve rolled his eyes.

"Dude, chill," Sam said.

"Yeah. Leave Bucky alone. People are gonna think you're his boyfriend the way you're on his dick," The redhead states.

Steve blushes lightly, but shakes his head, "He's my friend, and I'm worried about him," He says in seriousness, "I think it has something to do with that Brock guy.. he's up to something, and I don't like it."

"Why do you think Brock has something to do with this?" Natasha asked.

"Bucky lives with him, so he has to know something."

"What are you gonna do, though?" The girl asked.

"After school, I'm gonna pay him a little visit.." Steve said, in a slight threatening tone.

"That's a little much, dont you think?" Sam says.

"It's just to see if he's okay, I'm not doing anything drastic."

"Uh-huh.. that's what you say. Next thing you know Brock's dead," Natasha shrugged, and Steve glared at her.

"Oh, Steve," A British accent had called from behind.

Steve instantly recognizes that accent, "Oh, Peggy!" He turned around and smiled towards the woman, seeming like he completely forgot what subject they were on.

"Welp, that's our cure to leave.." Nat remarked, her and Sam leaving the two alone.

Peggy scowled as the two left, and then she turned around and smile at Steve, "I thank you helping me yesterday."

"Oh, it was nothin'. Just helping the future class president," Steve said.

Peggy chuckles a bit, "If you'd like, maybe we could meet up at my place after school. A token of my appreciation," She said with a slight smirk.

Steve found his face heating up again. Alone with Peggy Carter? Must be a dream, he thought, "O-Oh, sure! Wait, after school?"

"Is that a problem?"

"No, it's not a problem," Steve shook his head. It'd slightly interfere with checking on Bucky, but hanging out with Peggy for a bit wouldn't hurt.

"Good. But on one condition," Peggy says, "I need you to post Vote4Carter on all of your social media accounts."

"I can do it right now!" Steve pulls out his phone and does just that.

Peggy laughs a bit, watching and making sure he was doing it.

"Done," Steve puts his phone back in his pocket, "What time can I see you?"

"Around 5. See you around," Peggy smiles and then walks away.

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