Ch. 1

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This is going to be based on the manga and maybe some bits of the anime.

This is also my first attempt at writing any sort of fanfiction, so I don't really know what I'm doing :/ but I'm giving it a shot!

I hope you enjoy~!

Oh, right. Disclaimer: I don't own Mairimashita! Iruma kun or any of its characters.

The human being is a greedy creature.
Money, power, lovers . . . A humans desire is no different than a bottomless pit.
"Desire" is human nature, they can't live without it.
This so called "unsightly desire" referred to "People who sold their soul to the demon".

Yes, so in other words . . . because of money, some parents sold their child to a demon!


Suzuki Iruma (14 years old) is a kind-hearted boy. Whether he is asked for help, or nobody asks for help, or even an unreasonable request; he can willingly do anything without a single complaint, and with a cute smile to boot. He himself is also amazed at what he's willing to do if someone needs help.

'But . . .'


The point of view switches and we finally see Iruma. He's a cute little thing with big blue eyes and perky blue hair. He is seen to be bound with rope, on his knees, with a SOLD sign on his front. He looks terrified. In front of him, a demon sits on a throne holding a phone. His parents are on the speaker.
"Wow, I was suddenly interested in summoning a demon and I didn't expect it to work! This demon said, 'Bring a human to me and I'll give you money'. And so I signed a contract with him right away~!"
Their voices begin to fade and they murmur lies of protecting him. The demon suddenly speaks up.
"I am this demon."
He is bald, with horns and a long nose. He has a white mustache and wears glasses. This demons name was Lord Sullivan. Iruma looks like his soul was sucked away.

His parents are truly mean people. They have a general lack of common sense. As soon as Iruma was able to walk, his parents thought that from then on he can strike it out all on his own. So, his fathers brilliant idea, now that Iruma can walk, was to immediately go fishing. And so Iruma, only 1 year old, made his way in the world. During his 14 years of life, Iruma traveled around and got into quite a few sticky situations. He was used as bate to catch tuna, as a toddler he had to survive a bear attack and he did a few shady, under the table deals.

The result of all of this was a cute and charm boy who couldn't say no to anyone!

'No matter what happens, I can accept and overcome one by one . . .'

'But I can't accept this demon!!!'

"Hey,", Sullivan said "you must be really irritated with your parents."

"Well, yes." Iruma murmured. "But i'm not gonna lie; I'm not too surprised. This totally sounds like something they'd do."

Iruma sniffed and looked to the ground, still upset despite knowing the truth. His eyes glistened with un-shed tears as the area around him began to sparkle and twinkle. He looked pitifully cute and vulnerable in that moment, it was enough to make any creature weak in the knees.

Sullivan felt a tug at his heart and felt the need to comfort Iruma.

Iruma snapped out of it when a poof surrounded him and then he wasn't bound anymore. Instead, Iruma sat in a luxurious chair with frilly bib around his neck. A tea set sat on a little table next to him. The sudden weirdness of it forced Iruma into a deadpan, quick to wonder what was going on.

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