Ch. 2

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Iruma was a good boy. He did whatever was asked of him and loved to help those around him.

"Iruma is such a good and obedient boy~!" His mother would praise him and pat him on the head

"Iruma, can you throw this away?" His mother would ask.

"Yes, Mom!" Iruma would reply, a smile one his face.

"Can you finish cleaning? Can you clean the toilet?" She'd continue to request his help for all the chores and he'd do them all without question.

"Yes, Mom. Yes, Mom. Yes . . ."

The mother depended on Iruma to do most things and as a result . . .

"Can I sell you to this demon?" She asked with said demon behind her.

Iruma smiled, "Yes . . ."


Iruma panted as he woke up from the nightmare that is his life.

His bedroom door slammed open as his new grandpa barged in.

"Good morning, Iruma-kun~! Lets have breakfast together!" Sullivan, the demon, cried with a giddy expression on his face.

"Yes . . ." Iruma mumbled weakly.

At the table, Iruma's already changed into his school uniform.

"Have you slept well? It's your first day of school." Sullivan asked pleasantly.

"Eh . . . um, yes . . ." Iruma mumbled, though he was was crying in his head.

'I don't want to go to this demon school . . . What would happen to me if they found out I was human?'

"Um . . . I have something to say about school-" Iruma began, but was interrupted.

"Before that  . . ." Sullivan waved over his servant, Opera, who nodded and brought out a pile of school supplies

"Congrats on your acceptance to Babylus~!" Sullivan stood to show what he got Iruma.

"I did my best to put this all together . . . I'm not that good at embroidery, but I did my best and I hope you use this!" Sullivan held up a handkerchief.

"Oh! Thank you! But you didn't have to get me all of this . . . You already gave me so much yesterday." Iruma gave Sullivan a small smile, but looked at the school supplies uncertainly.

"Oh, but those presents yesterday was for becoming my gandson. These are for your first day of school! I've also always wanted to spoil a grandchild before and now I can! So, please, enjoy~!" Sullivan beamed at his grandson.

"These are the most presents I've ever received! Thank you, Grandpa~!" Iruma shot Sullivan a sunny grin that lit up the room.

'Ah . . . I've been blessed . . .' Sullivan thought as he clutched his heart. He forgot that Iruma had previously wanted to ask something.

With that Iruma set off for school.


"Good morning, my love~!" Asmodeus beamed down at Iruma 

"Oh, good morning, Asmodeus-kun." Iruma replied as he walked through the school gates.

'My love?' Iruma was slightly weirded out by the endearment, but shrugged it off.

"My love, just call me "Azu"! Here, let me carry your bag!" Asmodeus knelt in front of Iruma and looked up at him with adoring eyes.

The students around them whispered.

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