Atlantis Twisting Tides Chapter Three B

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Chapter Three B 

Human Hottie

“What’s going on here?” The angry male voice broke into my foggy mind.

Breaking the sensation of being kissed.

Breaking Kai and me apart.

Kai dropped his hold. He stepped away. The intimate heat was gone. The loss of his touch a cold current coming in from the north. 

“Who is this, Kai?” The same male spoke. He had straggly, long hair and a beard.

“No one.” Kai’s denial slashed across my chest.

He’d been my first kiss. My first crush. And I was no one to him? I’d believed I was truly special and not because I was a princess. I thought he’d liked me for myself.

Another boy and a girl stood next to the hairy one on the far side of the fire. The second  guy was blond and blue-eyed. The girl sported long, red tresses.

“What’s she doing here?” The hairy one spoke, sounding similar to a pompous prince.

“I saved her from drowning.” Kai’s emphasis on the one word confused. He spoke as if saving me was a fluke. As if he didn’t care whether I’d lived or died.

Then why did he save me? Or, at least, think he saved me.

Shock jolted. I had to make them think I was human. I couldn’t give my true heritage away. “Hi!” I gave a short wave. “I’m Adria.”

The hairy guy tucked his chin in. His eyes widened and he quirked his head. “Adria, huh?” He drew out each of the letters in my name as if pondering my fate.

I didn’t like how he said my name. “Y-y-yes.”

All the horror stories about humans flooded my brain. How they cheated and stole. How they killed each other for meaningless reasons. How they ganged up on girls.

“I’m Wade.” The hairy guy introduced himself with a jerk of the head. “This is Zale.” He pointed at the blond-god. “And this is Riva. We’re friends of Kai’s.”

My shoulders relaxed a little. They were friends of Kai’s. Kai believed he’d saved me. He wouldn’t let anyone endanger my life.

“Did you get stranded by the hurricane, too?” Why else would all three of them be on this island? Which brought another thought. “Is your boat seaworthy? Can you get off the island?”

Sea urchins scraped in my belly. So many humans at once. All possibly in need of help.

“We were dropped off by a… another friend.” Zale scratched the top of his blond curls as if my questions were a dilemma.

“You’re late. Really late.” Kai took a step forward showing solidarity with the other humans.

Solidarity against me.

The sea urchins scraped harder. Must be my imagination. I couldn’t judge them based on human horror stories I’d heard in the past.

“Did you think we weren’t going to show?” Riva’s long, red, wet locks dripped. Had they had to swim to the shore from the boat?

My gaze went back and forth between the three of them. All of their bathing suits were wet. They didn’t wear any other clothes. They didn’t even wear shoes. “I thought the hurricane…” Kai sounded disappointed. If he’d known they were coming why did he want to build a raft?

“The hurricane threw us off course.” Zale placed his hands on his hips in a combat stance. A warrior. “It’s moved onto land and we’re here now.”

Did humans have some sort of secret silent communication similar to Atlanteans? I sensed an undertone. An undertone that scared me. The nervous prickles made my legs tremble. I should get out of here. Kai would be fine with his friends.

“Um,” I interrupted their conversation. “I need to excuse myself.” Is that how humans told people they had to pee?

“And we have things to do.” Riva’s hard tone caught my attention. She slid a glance my way and then scowled at Kai.

My chest burned as if I’d eaten too many shrimp. We’re Kai and Riva more than friends? Lovers? Enemies?

Wade advanced. He grabbed my wrist in a tight grip. Trembling rocked my body like an earthquake. Too late to make a graceful retreat. I shouldn’t have tried to act human and excused myself. I should’ve run.

Each of his fingers impressed into my skin. “What are we going to do with her?”

ATLANTIS GLACIAL TIDES is now available at Amazon, iBooks, GooglePlay, Nook, and Kobo. The book continues Adria and Kai’s story.

The next installment of ATLANTIS TWISTING TIDES will be released on Wattpad on December 18, 2014.

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