Sports festival

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Today is the day, we've been training for ages and it's finally the day. The U.A sports festival. We have all been pushing ourselves to better improve our quirks and so we can improve out insurance and limit the set backs from using the quirk too much. I managed to improve my time using ice and I've even trained enough so I can teleport without tiring myself out too quickly.

I also used my dads quirk more often so I can use it for longer and use it more efficiently. All For One still tires me out a lot but I can at least use it for longer now. I also managed to make a small fire dragon using the quirk Hell Flame. I also can make larger explosions without hurting myself now.

"Y/N do your best okay," my dad smiled before pulling me into a hug.

"I will," I smiled.

"Also the press has confirmed the theory of you being my daughter. So like everyone now knows," my dad said sternly.

"Is that bad?" I asked.

He sighed. "In some ways yes but also no."

"Okay, well I gotta go now. I'll do my best for you dad!" I called out as I ran into school.

I heard him chuckle.

"Hey Y/N!" I heard Izuku call out.

I turned around. "Hey!"

"Better hurry and get in before people start arriving!" He smiled.

"Oh yeah, don't wanna get swarmed. Let's go," I smiled and chuckled.

We met with the rest of the class and went to the waiting rooms. Sadly we weren't allowed to wear our hero costumes.

"Aww man I was totally hoping I could wear my costume," Mina sighed.

"At least everyone will be in uniforms, that'll keep things fair, right?" Ojiro smiled softly.

"I wonder what they have in store for us in the first round," Sato said nervously.

"No matter what they've prepared we must percevoir," Tokoyami said looking down.

"Everyone Get your game faces on! We're entering the arena soon!" Tenya yelled entering the room.

I took a deep breath in. I'm going to win, for dad, for mum. She would want me to do my best.

"Midoriya," Todoroki said sternly.

"H-hey Todoroki, what's up?" Izuku asks turning around.

"From An objective stand point I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you,"

"Huh, hm yeah," Izuku looks saddened and kinda nervous.

"However you've got All Might standing in your corner helping you out, I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two, but know that I will beat you." Todoroki coldly glares into Izuku's eyes.

"Woah what the hell are with all these declarations of war lately?" Denki asked.

"Yeah what's the big deal? Why are you picking a fight all of a sudden? And right before we get started." Kirishima asks Todoroki putting a hand on his shoulder.

Todoroki moves his shoulder removing Kirishima hand in the process. "We're not here to be each other's friends, don't forget this isn't a team effort."

"Wait a sec Todoroki, I don't know what's going through your head or why you think you need to tell me you'll beat me, and yeah, of course you're better than me. In fact you probably have more potential than anyone in the Hero course. That's why you got in so easily." Izuku says out of the blue.

"Midoriya maybe you're being a little hard on yourself," Kirishima smiled nervously.

"Yeah I think he's right, you are being hard on yourself." I walked up to Izuku.

"No, he's right you guys. All the other courses are coming for us with everything they've got. We're all going to have to fight if we wan to stand out and I'll be aiming for the top too." Izuku said with determination written all over his face.

"Fine," Todoroki said turning to face Izuku again.

We all went to our places before we entered that arena. We were waiting for Present Mic to finish talking, I couldn't really understand him because it was all muffled. The crowd started cheering and he continued to talk. We were told to enter the stage.

We walked into the arena. Mum, dad, I won't let you down!

"Welcome back to the U.A's sports festival. Where up ń coming hero's leave everything on the field as they fight for the chance to team up with famous celebrities. This first one brings all strangers to the spotlight, you know them for withstanding a villain attack! The dazzling students lighting up your t.v's with solid gold skill the Hero course students of class 1-A!" Present Mic shouts introducing our class.

I looked around and became a little anxious, there were so many people, so many eyes watching.

"I didn't know there would be so many people..." Izuku says nervously.

"I hope we're still able to give our best performances even though all these eyes are watching us. I suppose it's just another aspect of being a hero we'll all have to get used to." Tenya said looking around.

"Present Mic sure did talk us up a lot. Kinda makes me nervous, how you feeling man?" Kirishima asked Katsuki with his usual smile on his face.

Katsuki smirks. "I'm not worried, makes me wanna win this thing even more."

"They haven't been getting nearly as much screen time, but this next group is still full of talent. Welcome Hero course class 1-B!" Present Mic introduces class 1-B as they walk onto the arena.

"Next up! General studies classes C, D and E! Support classes F, G and H! And finally business classes I, J and K! Give it up for all of U.A's first year contestants!"

We all went to the stage in the center with the rest of the first years. Even the ones who weren't in the Hero course.

"Now the introductory speech!" Midnight announced.

"Uhh someone should talk to Ms. Midnight about what she's wearing," Kirishima said.

"Yeah that costume should come with a warning," Denki agreed.

"Is it really appropriate apparel for a high school game?" Tokoyami asked.

"Silence everyone! And for the student pledge we have Katsuki Bakugo!" Midnight announced.

I widened my eyes in shock. Why the fuck is it him!?

"He's the first year rep?" Izuku asked.

"I guess that hot head did finish first in the entrance test," Sero pointed out.

Someone sighed. "Only for the Hero Course exams." She was from general studies I think.

"That girl obviously hates us," Sero and I said at the same time.

"Yeah and we've got Bakugo to thank for them not liking our class." Denki said.

Katsuki made it up to stage and the microphone. "I just wanna say, I'm gonna win."

I knew he'd say something like that!!!

Everyone started to boo him.

"Why would you be so disrespectful! You're representing us all!" Tenya yelled at him.

"Not my fault all of you are just stepping stones to my victory," Katsuki replied.

"I'm gonna crush this over confident jerk!" A guy yelled, I think his name was Tetsutetsu or something like that. I do know that he is in class 1-B.

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