How I knew you

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Hi guys! This is my first time writing. Please bare with me... I'm not good at this and shiz. But I did my my best! Hope you all will like it!! No hate just love. Xox🤗🖤


Hi! Im Grace Santos, 16 years old a senior high student. I was getting ready to go to school, showered, brushed my teeth, and wore some clothes, a blue and green striped shirt with some black high waist pants and some black boots.

As I was getting ready when my cousin Niña yelled "let's go Grace, we're going to be late!" I looked at my watch and she was right, it was quarter to six, we have an hour drive to school, and class start at 7:00. I took my bag and ID, kissed my parents goodbye and got inside my car followed by my cousin, she's 7 years older than me but she still doesn't know how to drive.

The hour passed by so quickly that I already dropped off my cousin at her school. Sooner or later I was walking to my classroom with 2 minutes to spare. Once I got in the room I greeted my classmates with a "good morning!" And then I came running towards my bestfriend Reighn yelling "GOOD MORNING REEENREEEN!!" She was a little startled but she chuckled and greeted me back with a hug and a smile "Good morning to you too grace!" When I was about to say something the teacher came and greeted us "Good morning students take your seats" we did as we told and that's how my day started.

After what seemed to be like forever class was over and it was lunch time! My fav time of every other day. I chuckled to myself from the thought. Me and renren walked over to some benches and ate our lunch. We ate our lunch and talked for a few minutes then renren mentioned a name that caught my attention. "He is so sweet and caring, just the ideal boy you would want and dream of" she said dreamily, I smiled knowingly that she has a HUGE crush on this dude.

I asked her what his name was and she answered me sassily "why? So you would go and talk to him how I liked him so much ever since the day we started talking? Nope!😐" I laughed, she knows me too well, but I played it cool, "What? No! Why would I?" I said innocetly. I then added "I just wanted to see what he looked like" she stared at me for a few seconds then sighed "fine... but if you ever, and I mean EVER, tell him I liked him I won't talk to you forever!" I just smiled again knowing she can't do that because I'm her bestfriend, "Yeah yeah" I said while chuckling.

Soon classes started and the rest of the day went on, boringly actually. But it's all over now ,classes I mean. Me and renren went to buy some street foods outside the campus, As we ate I noticed my cousin waiting for me. I waved goodbye to my bestfriend and walked over to my cousin, "ready to go?" She asked I just nodded and went to my car my cousin following. After the hour drive we arrived safely back home, I greeted my parents hello and a kiss on the cheek.

After greeting them I went to my room to change and then I remembered his name. I opened my phone and search his name, after few minutes of search, I found him. I clicked on his profile, he's a decent guy, black hair, neatly styled side bangs, black eyes, and slightly rough skin due to when "puberty" hit him. "Nice choice renren" I thought, Then I added him.

After changing I heard a buzz, I checked my phone my shock "he accepted my friend request" I thought. I then opened my messenger and clicked "wave" surprisingly he waved back! I sent him a "Hey! :)" and he replied with a "hello."

And that's how it all started...


That's it! I hope you guys liked it! I'll try to upload in a few days| and also thank you in advance for reading my story!

Lovelots for me🤗🖤

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