The Mandatory Letters

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3rd POV-
At 5 in the morning, all
was right in the Al Hamidi home. Mrs.Hamidi was making preparing a breakfast and a lunch for her daughter, who would soon wake to go to college, a 22 year old in her final year.
Tasneem rose from the warm covers of her bed.
"Mph. Morning? Already? Dear Ali....." , Tasneem grumbled under her breath, not in any particular mood for college.
College. She hated everything about it besides her studies. Everybody practically shook around her, treating her as if she was somebody powerful. Always scared of her, the smiles they gave her were timid and more so, fake.
And every time she'd mutter "Goodness, you wouldn't be this scared if Voldemort walked in," Followed by the rolling of her eyes.
Tasneem snapped out of her train of thought and looked at the time, realizing she needed to pray. She went into the restroom and did the wu'du (purification for prayer), and started her prayer, which rang wonderfully throughout the household, making her mother glow with pride.
In a few minutes Tasneem finished her prayer, and turned her attention to the closet.
"What to wear today....hmmm.. something classy, but warm...."
Her eyes landed on a dark blue Laura Scott sweater, and she grinned.
"Perfect," She pulled out a pair of slightly baggy jeans and a pretty navy shawl, and a black bandana to put under it. As soon as she put it all on, she ran downstairs.
"Morning, Mommy!" She grinned and pecked her mother on the cheek. Yes, she still called her Mommy, and death-stared anybody who questioned that.
Her and her mother made quick small talk, while they ate breakfast.
Tasneem quickly picked up her bag and lunch, running out with a quick "Ma'asalama, love you mommy!"

A little while later-

Tasneem walked through the corridor , wiping her face clean of emotion as she walked by a few girls who , in her opinion, thought a tad (okay, more than a tad) higher of themselves than they should. She could hear whispers, see their fingers pointed at her.
"Do you see her?" -
"That girl in the baggy clothes? I've seen her before. She always looks like somebody died. Maybe the rat she keeps under her scarf died.."
"I know! Her names Tas something, And she's always alone, like she doesn't care about us, rude, much!"
That was the final straw. All her annoyance bubbled up inside her like magma in a volcano. She walked up to her in a calmly creepy way, smirking.
" You act like it's something horrible to be rude to you, when, if anything, you'd deserve it."
As the gossiping girl(who, when Tasneem looked closer,saw she had an upturned nose) stuttered, nearby people overheard and snickered.
"Anything the matter, love? Cat got your tongue?" Tasneem sneered and walked off to her next class, her bad mood made worse.
"You're late, Al Hamidy. Please take your seat!" The teacher's shrill voice yelled at her. Tasneem was inches away from picking up a chair and taking the command literally, almost walking out. Instead she gritted her teeth and sat down, mentally rolling her eyes.
" Now, as I was saying before our little -straggler- interrupted, you will each be assigned a military officer to correspond with, and they shall be your "pen pals" for the remainder of the year. And for those of you," Maybe it was her imagination, but the teacher seemed to glare at her," Who may not like this class, this is MANDATORY!" The teacher had started passing out slips of paper to each student,
"On the paper your getting will be the name of your 'pal', and the date of which your first letter is due, which, so happens to be, tomorrow."
The teacher passed each one of them a paper, until she reached Tasneem, and smirked mischievously. She laid the paper down on her desk and walked away somewhat happier.
"Who is it?..." Tasneem mumbled, looking at the paper, and instantly groaned.
Saif Ahmed
Great. A dude. An Arabian dude. This'll be all over Facebook. 'Tasneem was flirting with that boy Saif'. Perfect, I really need the entire mosque gossiping about this.
That...that...Tasneem struggled to think of something horrible
"Daughter of Satan..." Tasneem grumbled. She knew! That horrible woman knew the rules in Islam! She purposely assigned her a boy!
The rest of the day was an angry haze for Tasneem. She didn't know what to think. Tasneem knocked the door to her home, unsurely.
What would her mother say? Her mom opened the door, and everything poured out . Her mother nodded.
"Well, sweetie, what the teacher says, goes. I trust nothing's will happen."

"Nothing'll happen. That's what mom says. I doubt that..." Tasneem said
And with that, she got to work on her first letter.

So. New story. Heh.What do you all think so far? Ideas? Critique? By the way, the idea for this story isn't completely mine, my friend helped me come up with it. I'd love to hear what you all think ^^ Stay tuned for more!

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