We Could Even Be Friends

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" Hello, Saif,
So. How are you? How's the military? I bet you wanna know who's talking to you. I'm Tasneem. Part of my grade is to write to you regularly. To be honest, I'm not a fan of this thing.So don't take it personally if I don't appear interested.
But I guess I should at least try to get along with you. So...I really am curious. What do you look like? I don't plan on writing to a faceless creep for the rest of the year. You could be an old man and a pedophile for all I know. And as for me, instead of writing out how I look, I'll just attach a picture.
By the way, do you like being in the military?
Like are you proud, or happy, or anything else? Do you miss anybody? Well, anyways, I've run out of things to talk (or should I say write?) about. So...
See Ya!

Yes, that should do it. I sealed the letter and enclosed a picture of myself along with it. That should do it. As I packed my things up,getting ready for a million questions popped into my head.
Is he old? Young? Grouchy? Kind? Or....That one question every girl asks these days....cute?
I didn't even know anymore. I didn't know who to confined in, my closest friend was traveling.
So I drifted off into sleep.
The next morning, I woke up and got ready for school, the same thoughts floated through my mind. It felt like mere minutes had passed when I got to my last period, when the letter was due.
I walked into the class, half-asleep. And naturally the class was staring at yours truly, the straggler. Then there was one idiot trying to trip me. I stepped on his foot, rather forcefully. Then I walked over to my seat casually, pretending I didn't hear him growl at me. Vengeance is haram (against Islam), I know. But I couldn't resist...
The teacher collected everybody's letters, and sneered when she saw me with one.
"Surprised you actually had the gut to write a letter,"
I said nothing, merely giving her an innocent smile. She's not even worth my time.

Saif P.O.V.
I listened to the general drone on and on about Lord know what. I turned to my friend Komiel, the only other Arabian soldier in our troupe.
"What's he going on about?" I muttered, hoping the General didn't hear me.
" We're doing some sort of pen pal project with a college, right now we're going to get our first letters from them," He muttered, as letters were being passed out to everybody, until I finally got mine.
Unlike others who were hesitant, I ripped mine open, eager to see the contents of the letter. Before I read the letter I saw a picture of a muslim girl, who looked about a year or two younger than me. In all seriousness, she was pretty decent looking, but I pushed that thought aside, remembering that good looking girls may not act as good as they look.....I learned that the hard way..
I read through the letter and mentally died. Seriously? I think this girl is kidding with me? How's the military?!! She must be kidding. I was to annoyed to reply. This girl....Tasneem Al-something. She was one heck of a chick. We could even be friends, if she wasn't so indifferent to me....
I slowly lulled myself to sleep, unconsciously thinking about that picture of her she sent me. I was so close to falling asleep, and then WHAM! This creepy voice that sounded like some evil creep from a kids show came up on my phone...
"We know you're in contact with Tasneem. Lead her to us, and you may come out with your life...."

What in blazes....I haven't talked to the girl once, all she did was send me a stupid letter, and they're sending me death threats to hand her over!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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