The year was 1984, it was a hot summer day, everyone in town went on vacation empetying the streets.
Mary was sitting on a swing in silence, she was thinkin about her future, she was an orphan since That day had happened ten years ago and this month she was going to turn sixtee.
She was one hundreed percent sure she won't be addopted because everyone in town knew who she was and what "she" had done, unt one day there was a knock on the heavy, old wodden door.
Mrs. Klaire opened and asked in suprise " how may I help you sir?" and the tall figure responded "I am looking for a girl named Mary Anderson,you see ma'm I'm her father's brother so I'm going to take care of her now" he responded calm as water while she looked at him suspiciously " but she's here since ten years couldn't you get her sooner?" she spat crossing her arms in front of her chest "I'm afraid not but that's a personal thing ma'm" he said glancing at her with a bit of anger until she screamd "MARY COME HERE THER'S SOMEONE LOOKING FOR YOU!".
Afther a few moments steps could be heard rapidly coming downsrairs "yes Mrs.Klaire?" the child asked with her head facing the floor " pack your things you won't be staying here anymore" on that the child quickly looked up in terror "what have I done?" tears were already forming in her eyes when the tall man reassured her " don't worry you are going to live with me now" he said while a smile was spreading on both their faces.
Fiksi Remaja••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Hello there lovely person, so just to explain this story is based on 'Deadly class' but the plot and the characters are completely different so you can read it even if you haven't watched t...