Kimmie was a well known fashion designer.One day, she got invited to see how one of her freinds daily routine looks and she met with the well known boy group BTS.She sadlly didn't get along with all of them since one of them had a peoblem with her a...
Lev POV Lev:Akiraaaaaa.*i said as we we're on our way home* Akira: whaaattt?? *she said annoyed* Lev: when do you think Arrow is gonna come to her apartment? Akira: by the looks, they were giving each other...I say....probably tomorrow morning Lev: can we pass by the church? Akira: why? Lev: to get some holy water for her when she gets back;-; Akira: well I was just about to ask why would you think that the church would have pregnancy tests... Lev: AKIRA!WHAT THE HELL?? Akira:what?besides, they are soulmates. Lev: yeah, but that doesn't mean she has to get pregnant! Akira: what makes you say that? Lev: oh idk....maybe...THE FACT THAT SHE IS JUST 21 Akira: So? She is old enough to take care of herself. Lev: oh really? She can't even cook for her poor soul. How the heck is she gonna feed 3? Akira: instant noodles. Lev: and do you think they would live out of noodles? Akira: judging by the looks of her kitchen....yes;-; Lev:*facepalm* what we're we talking about? Akira: about-
But she hasn't finished her sentence because of the fact that we arrived at Arrows apartment.
Akira: oh- Lev: what? Akira: did Arrow by any chance told you where she keeps her 2 key? Lev: does she even have a 2 key? Akira: um.....well that is a good question Lev: you- *sighs* what the hell do we do now? Akira: wait? Lev: UNTILL TOMORROW MORNING?? Akira: wow wow there Lev, Arrow showed me the band that she works for Lev: and the fudge does that have anything to do with all of this? Akirw:well- Lev: hold on how come you met the band and I didn't?? Akira:oh—about that— ha— funny story😅 Lev: Akira Elery... Akira:OH WOW LOOK I FOUND THE SPARE KEY ARROW TOLD ME ABOUT! Lev:just wait untill Arrow gets home....
Wednesday, 13 May 2020 11:49
Akira POV *doorbell* Lev: mind getting that? Akira: sure *I responded lazily while getting off the couch and heading to the door*Oh- excuse me sir,wtf? Lev:what- BISH WHER THE FUCK WERE YOU?? Arrow:aish...don't yell like that*she said rubbing her head in pain while stumbling all the way to the kitchen and sitting down on one of the chairs* Akira: mind explaining yourself? Arrow: well...after we finished our coffee we went on a walk in the park and trough some dark ass magic we ended up at his apartment and- Lev: ok stop there I don't need any more information. Arrow:ok sir Lev: but I have one question I have to ask you Arrow:hm? Lev:HOW COME EUNBI GOT TO MEET THE BAND YOU ARE WORKING FOR AND I DIDN'T?!?! Arrow: ok how about this, we are gonna head to BigHit today and you get too meet the band while I teach them the new choreography? Akira: seems fine to me Lev: ok then Arrow: y'all go get ready cuz the lesson starts at 12:15.
Lev POV Arrow:ARE YOU GUYS READY? *yelling from the living room * Akira: COMING Lev: I am here!
Arrows outfit:
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Levs outfit:
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