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two weeks later

over the last two weeks, taehyung had still been hanging out with bogum. he didn't hang out with him as much as he did in the previous weeks and finally decided to make time for his six friends, luckily.

that doesn't mean jeongguk isn't still mad though.

not only is he still mad about taehyung ditching them but he also had a new thing to be mad about.

you see, when taehyung rejoined the group, there was no explanation for his absence.

so he thinks he can just forget about his so-called "family" for two weeks and then just waltz back in like it never happened? wow.

there was no "sorry for not being here the last couple weeks."

there was no "i was really focused on a new friend so i'm sorry for ditching you guys."

there was no apology, no explanation, no nothing.

jeongguk was pissed.

so, not only was i his personal errand boy for two weeks while he ignored us for a kid from his art class, but he also feels like he can just snuggle back in with no excuse? nice.

the rest of the group had already noticed the change in jeongguk while taehyung was absent but, now that taehyung was back, it seemed even worse which confused them.

they thought jeongguk was mad because he was jealous but, now that taehyung started to hang out with them again, he was even more mad. they thought that once tae came back, he'd act normal again.

another thing they'd noticed was that the two boys still argued a lot less.

however, when they did, it wasn't really playful how it used to be.

instead of arguing about little things and getting over it in minutes, they'd argue about bigger things and hold grudges for hours or even days.

it wasn't like them at all.

two weeks ago,

"i think we should go to the arcade!" taehyung suggested.

"that's boring, we already went recently." jeongguk commented.

"um, no we didn't." taehyung raises a brow.

"well, we did. this happened while you were still ignoring us, remember?" jeongguk sneered.

one week ago,

"guys, i'm doing an art project with bogum so i won't be here for movie night." taehyung notified.

"but we always do movie night all together..." jimin spoke, fumbling with his sweater.

"it's alright jimin, we've already had two movie nights without him so what's one more?" jeongguk interrupted.

"what's your issue?! oh my gosh!" taehyung yelled.

"my issue is that you're ditching us for bogum for the third movie night in a row but hey, whatever, go then." jeongguk shrugged.

taehyung groaned and left.

a couple days ago,

"why is my shoe chewed up!" taehyung yelled.

"why are you asking us? d'you think we ate your shoe? you have a dog so your question is already answered." jeongguk rolled his eyes.

"i told you to stop leaving the closet open!" taehyung shouted.

"oh wow! so i do your shit for two weeks but when i leave the closet door open one time i'm a villain?!" jeongguk shouted back, outraged.

"guys, just let it go." hoseok spoke up.

"oh whatever." jeongguk grumbled.

taehyung huffed and went back to his room.

the five other friends didn't know what to do.

they wanted their friends to make up but they also didn't know what was wrong so that made the situation even more difficult.

right now, the five friends were in 2seok's dorm, discussing the matter.

"so i'm not the only one who's noticed it, right?" hoseok asked.

"nah, we all see it." yoongi sighed.

"so what are we gonna do?" jimin asked.

"i dunno jiminie... we don't know." yoongi said, stroking the younger's hair.


•622 words
•not edited or proof-read
•this is really short and definately a filler so maybe i'll update again later :P
•the way i planned out the book makes this chapter very short so yeah XD
•hope you enjoyed nonetheless! :)
•stay safe ♡
•love you <3

peace out xoxo,


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