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"so, how the heck are we gonna get them to make up?" hoseok asked.

"why don't we lock them in a room together until they sort it out?" yoongi suggest, looking at his phone.

"nah, they'll kill eachother... why don't we just ask them about it?" seokjin said.

"they're both stubborn, they'll just insist that nothing's wrong or they'll just get into a fight..." jimin pointed out.

"how about we just leave them to sort it out, they can't hate eachother forever." namjoon spoke up, reading a book.

"i hope not... that would be sad." jimin said, pouting.

yoongi petted his hair, "don't worry jiminie, they'll be fine." he wanted to kiss the pout away from his lips so badly.

"alright yoonie, if you say so..." jimin reassured himself, trusting yoongi's words, smiling sadly.

"if you two don't hurry up and kiss i'll literally choke-slam both of you through the floor down to the reception office." hoseok groaned, tired of waiting for his ship to happen, before sipping his sprite.

yoongi went red and jimin covered his face with his hands.

"sh-shut up, horse face!"

"cmon~ just one lil kiss, one lil smooch!" hoseok whined, making kissy faces.

jimin burried his face into his knees, almost sweating from how hot his cheeks were.

"we- we don't need to kiss in front of your weird ass!" yoongi protested.

seokjin decided to join in the teasing, "well, have you kissed when you were on your own?"

yoongi opened his mouth to speak but closed it. jimin heard the silence and squeaked.

"wait~ have you?" hoseok screamed.

"NO!" yoongi screamed back at him, his face a brighter red than before.

jin and hoseok looked at eachother, looked back at yoonmin and then started squealing like school girls.

namjoon debated just picking up his book and going back to his own dorm but then he decides there was no harm in making fun of his in-love friends.

yoongi was looking at his phone and scrolling furiously while jimin was still hiding his face. 2seok were still dying.

namjoon spoke up, "yoongi and jimin, sittin' in a tree..." he started.

"K I S S I N G!" 2seok finished.

"i hate all of you." yoongi mumbled.

jimin slapped his arm, "don't say that yoonie. hate is a bad word."

"fine, i'm sorry minnie..."

"simp!" hoseok yelled, running away.

"hoseok!" yoongi shouted, chasing after him.

jimin sighed, cheeks still slightly pink.

jin sat next to him, "so, you and yoongi? huh?"

jimin groaned, "shut up~"

~later that day~

jimin was chilling out at his dorm. namjoon, his roommate, had left for class so he was all alone.

until, he heard a knock on the door.

he got up and opened it to see taehyung.

"hello taetae! what do you need?" jimin greeted.

"i want your opinion on something. can i come in?" taehyung asked.

"sure thing."

they both walked into the living room and sat down together before taehyung started to speak.

"okay so, this guy asked me out on a date earlier..." taehyung stated.

jimin's eyes widened, "oh, that's... cool? i guess?"

"what i wanted to ask is whether i should say yes or no."

"you haven't answered him yet?" jimin questioned.

"no... i told him that i'd think about it since i'm not really sure whether i should go but then i don't really wanna reject him either since he's a nice guy and i think i kinda like him." taehyung confessed.

"could this guy be... park bogum? by any chance?" jimin asked.

"uh yeah." taehyung mumbled, smiling slightly.

jimin's heart sunk.

poor jeonggukie. he thought.

"um, well, you haven't known bogum for that long..."

"it's been like a month now! that's long enough for a simple date, right?" taehyung protested.

"well, kinda, but... i mean, are you sure that you like him?" jimin said, hestitantly.

"i'm not 100% sure but i think i might have a teeny tiny crush on him..." taehyung revealed, making a pinching motion with his hands to symbolise how teeny tiny his crush was.

"well, shouldn't you be sure about your feelings before you agree to go on a date with him?" jimin suggested.

i need to convince him not to go without actually telling him that jeongguk loves him.

how did jimin know about jeongguk's feelings? well, it was just obvious. plus, he was in the dorm when gguk and jin had their conversation. he just acted like he couldn't hear them.

"well, if i have a crush on him then shouldn't i go on a date with him to confirm my feelings?" taehyung asked.

"uh, i-"

"why don't you want me to go?" taehyung asked, suspiciously.

"it's not that i don't want you to... i just think that you should think about it more before you give him an answer." jimin replied.

"i think i'll say yes." taehyung revealed.

"a-are you sure? maybe you should be friends for longer?"

"nah, i'm sure, it's not like he's my boyfriend or anything. it's just an innocent date. just to see if i really like him." taehyung stated, seemingly certain.

"oh... okay then." jimin sighed defeated.

"thanks jiminie!" taehyung said, before getting up and walking to the door.

"where are you going?" jimin asked.

"to tell bogummie that i'll go with him!"

with that, he left.

jimin stuck his head out the door and called out to him.

"just- uh- be careful taetae! and think about it more before you tell him!" jimin yelled.

"i will! bye minnie!" taehyung shouted back before turning the corner.

jimin sighed and shut the door.

sorry ggukie, but bogum might be an even bigger problem now...


•946 words
•not edited or proof-read
•I'M BACK (i think)
•sup bitches, i'm back from my week & a half hiatus lmao (i think)
•idk what motivated me to update today but i did so here you go my lovelies! ♡
•this chapter isn't that good but it's something so take it XD
•i'll try to start updating every couple days like i used to! key word: "try" lmao
•stay safe!!!! <3
•I LOVE YOU (°''3''°)♡

peace out xoxo,


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