Chapter 2

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"Hey look, its the faggot!" A random voice screamed at me as my feet shuffled down the hall.

My eyes darted up to see snickering groups, all staring at me.

"Still live with your grandmother?" A girl laughed, her friends joining her.
I boiled.
"My parents are dead! I don't really have a choice!" I screamed back, she looked shocked, I stormed away.

There small giggles could still be heard as I made my way to my locker.

I swung opened the creaking locker, half my books crashed to the ground.

I was very disorganized.

I groaned curse words under my breath before awkwardly bending down to pick them up.
The bell burst through the hallways, causing me to quickly jolt up.

I stumbled my feet to wood shop. My hand grabbed the steel door handle and pulled it open, a whiff of wood chippings and sawdust filled my nose. I walked to my desk and sat down just as the second bell burst in my ear.

"Goodmorning" The deep voice of Mr. Coles spoke. Everyones heads shot up.
"Today, we are going to be making bird houses, I will grade you on them, you have one week" He explained before sending us off in our own worlds of wood and nails.

I picked up a peice of wood, my pencil danced in my fingers before I began to sketch.

Once my bird house drawing was complete, my hand reached for a rusted hammer. I placed two borads together and held a nail up against them, the hammer dropped on the nail, pushing it further into the wood.

"That doesn't look right.." My small voice mumbled. I turned the hammer around and struggled to pulled the stubborn nail out.
My arm pulled back forcing the nail to popped out.

"Ow" A voice said in pain. My head twisted to see a girl holding her nose.


"I'm uh so sorry" I quickly said as I examined her.
A deep clear of someone's throat made my head jolt in the direction of Mr Coles, his arms were crossed over his chest.
My mouth opened but no words came out, everybody was staring at me. I felt trapped.
"Go take her to the office" Mr. Coles huffed, I quickly nodded.

My large hand grasped around her small wrist, she looked up at me, tears in her eyes.

I pulled her out of the classroom and into the hallway.

"Okay, I'll uh take you to the off-" I started but stopped when she looked at me.
"I'm fine, i'll just go to the bathroom"

I gave her a worried glance.

"But I-"
"I'm fine Shawn" She said grumpily.
"How do you know my name?" I questioned, my head slightly tilted.
"Just go back, I'm fine" Was all she responded with before stomping away.

What the hell?


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