Chapter 3

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"Say something I'm giving up on you" I sang to the tune playing on the radio of grandads old pickup.
The truck bumped down the long dirt road, my hair flew in the wind blowing in the window.

I felt alive.

I chuckled to myself, my tires spung, making me laugh.

I felt free.

Away from all the bullshit in my life.

My phone rang In my pocket, my hand reached and grabbed it.

"Hello?" I said as I pressed answer.
"Shawny?" My grans raspy voice spoke.
"Yes gran" I chuckled.
"Are you coming home yet?" She asked, I thought for a second.
"Yeah, yeah I'll be home in a few" I answered. She muttered an okay before I hung up.

I sighed, muttering random words under my breath.


"I'm home!" I shouted through the house as I pulled open the squeaky screen door.

"Shawn" I jolted my head towards the kitchen door, Gran was standing there with a sweet smile.
I set my bookbag on the wooden rocking chair beside the door.

"How was school?" She asked as I pulled her in for a hug, the smell of chocolate chip muffins filled my nose.
"Good" I lied pulling away.

"It's always just good isn't it?" Dhe questioned with a quirk of the eyebrow, I shrugged and walked into the kitchen.

My head barley missed the ceiling fan.

"If you don't stop growing, you're gonna have to move out" Gran joked joining me in the kitchen.
I stared at the dozen muffins staring back at me, my mouth watered.

"Take one" Gran ordered, I quickly grabbed the best looking one and took a huge bite.

"Mmm" I mumbled, Gran smiled and continued to work on a second batch.

Reasons to love grandmothers.

After about three bites I was done, I headed up the thin stairway.

I ducked my head which slightly touched the light fixture.

I do need to stop growing.

My body flopped down on my double bed in the corner of a small room, well attic.
I reached my arm to my night stand and grabbed the small picture frame.
A strip of duct tape ran through the middle of the chipped glass. A picture of me and my parents sat in front of a Christmas tree was barley noticeable from the dust.

I smiled.

"I miss you guys so much" I mumbled to myself, my eyes watered, I quickly placed the picture in a drawer and sighed.

My body sank into the mastress, I could feel myself relax and soon slowly closed my eyes.

Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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