Wenesday, Audgust 5th, 1:37 P.M.

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OK, so today was crazy! And it still isnt over yet! Great!

So I can downstairs as usual, checked my phone for any messages , email, blah blah blah. I saw I had gotten a new email from Madame Danielle.

From: Madame Danielle
Subject: Paris trip rescheduled

The Paris trip was officially rescheduled to August 17th through August 31st.

OMG! Did I just read that right?



Then I realized I had given my spot to Chase!


Wow! Way to get my hopes up!

So, until I can actually go, I will stare at the wall and sulk, which always makes me feel better!

Than I thought of a brilliant idea!

What if me, Chloe and Zoey through a Paris theme.......PARTY! For going into highschool?

I immediately texted Chloe and Zoey this idea! They said we should meet tomorrow to plan it!

And from my past party, WE ARE EXPERTS!

And besides, I earn a ton of money from Miss BRI Bri's bark bites!

So yeah! We decided it should be sometime at the end of August!

Ok, I have to stop writing now, Brandon just texted me asking me to call him, because he got some disturbing news! Gotta Go!

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