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Pixie Chapman was a mutant S

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Pixie Chapman was a mutant S.H.I.E.L.D. kept under their radar. She didn't join S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers officially by choice. She was a simple florist in New York who had accidentally used her powers to protect civilians during the Battle of New York. That was enough to be put on S.H.I.E.L.D.'s radar, which she was amazed by since there was a lot of commotion and chaos during the battle.

While she was on their file, they never approached her or detained her. She did nothing wrong and she wasn't ready for the Avengers initiate or to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, so they simply let her live her life.

When Tony and Steve had their disagreement about the Accord, Tony picked up Pixie before Steve could get a hold on her. She welcomed Tony into her shop, then screamed and attempted to chase him out when he mentioned powers and the Avengers.

She told him she wanted nothing to do with what he had in store. She was panicking, and he could tell because he used to have panic attacks. He had to sit her down and force her to breathe, and when she was finally calm, he coerced her to be on her side.

The fight at the airport was where Natasha and Pixie first met. She had used her powers to wrap vines around Natasha, clearly not wanting to hurt the assassin. She didn't want to hurt anyone. It wasn't in her blood.

She didn't even want to be at the battle. She didn't like fighting and she was never trained to be as skilled as the others. She only agreed to go with Tony because he said he would pay off her student loans. She didn't think she'd be fraternizing with an assassin on Tony's side.

When Natasha first laid eyes on her, she didn't think much of it. Pixie was just another woman no one seemed to know during the battle, but Natasha knew about it. Pixie's file wasn't exactly top-secret. She wasn't a danger to society or S.H.I.E.L.D., so it was simple for Natasha to read about the new file that had popped into its databases.

Pixie wanted nothing to do with hurting people. She wasn't good at handling situations that overwhelmed her. The suit Tony had gifted her was a catsuit that seemed a little too tight for comfort. She preferred loose, flowing clothes that were easy to pot plants in. She could feel invisible walls closing in on her. She was prone to panic attacks and she could remember puking during her first college final. Bile rose up, but she attempted to swallow it. No one was dying, but there was so much fighting and chaos.

Through her blaring ears and blurry eyes, she could remember someone soothing her through it. She was trembling, powers out of control as cracks began to form on the ground, splitting in half with vines growing out, thrashing wildly to hit anything that was moving. It worked in Tony's favor, so he was glad he made the executive decision to snatch her on his side, even if it was at the expense of Pixie's mental health.

When Bucky and Steve had escaped and the fighting ceased, Pixie was slowly calming down, eyes focusing on the figure who had soothed her through a panic attack. She had heard rumors of the Black Widow, but she didn't think she could be so kind.

Afterward, Natasha was going to be convicted for helping Steve and Bucky escape, so she chose to go into hiding. Pixie never got the opportunity to properly thank her, but she would be ready when Natasha came back.

Pixie continued to live with her aunt as she always did, but as her aunt grew weaker, she decided a retirement home could better support her old aunt. But being a florist didn't make much money, so she decided to pay a visit to Tony, who happily helped her at a cost - she would have to live at the Avengers Mansion. Really, it was more of Tony being bored, but he was glad he made that decision.

When Natasha came back to the compound, Pixie and her established a relationship. Pixie had grown close to Natasha, sending small glances when the other wasn't looking. Pixie would usually be cooking or reading, while Natasha would be training or on missions. Natasha wasn't afraid to flirt, but she never meant for it to be anything more. After Bruce, she wasn't sure if she was ready for anything more, but one day, Pixie just finished baking an apple pie that smelled too good to be true, and Natasha had a feeling she was in too deep.

The scene of Pixie turning around in a pink apron with pink oven mitts on while the smell of a freshly baked apple pie roamed through the compound was a sight to behold.

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