{3}Princess & Wannabe Bad Boy

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Too Orange.

Too Taylor Swift

Too Red carpet

Too Kim kardashian

I toss the last dress onto the bed and I groaned before collapsing on it and getting up again.

I walked into my closet and run through all the clothes until I finally found the perfect one. Then I ran to the showers.

Tonight is the night of my brother's gig with his band and I'm less enthusiastic,I barely found what to wear.

I came downstairs wearing all black, a black top with lacy sleeves and black high waist jeans with some high tops. I curled my hair and applied my make up.

I spared in my Victoria's Secret perfume before heading outside to meet my brother and his bandmates.

When we got there,I was disgusted by the view and I felt like going back home.

"Okay Ruby" River said "This is our table, you're going to stay here while we go set up okay"

"Okay" I mumbled

"Have Fun" Liam said and they all walked away

"The only fun I want to be having is getting back to the comfort of my bed"

I spot a blonde and my heart skipped a beat thinking it was Sky. I wonder when he's getting here.


Why do I care? I don't care.

I don't care when sky gets here. In fact, I don't even want him to come.

I scrolled through Instagram till it was time for river's band.

"Alright Everyone" I looked up too see Man "Our Next performance is by the Dare Devils!!!"

Everyone cheered as River and his band gets on stage.

The Dare Devils? Seriously? I would have named mine 'The Rubies'

Pretty great huh?

As soon as River and his band starts playing,I immediately recognise the song and sand along.

Turning to an all different person

Sticks and stones may break my bones

But the drugs won't hurt me,the drugs won't hurt me

Ex girlfriend keeps calling my phone

But the bitch can't hurt me so I'm not worried

Some then tapped my shoulder and I looked back to see the one and only Sky. He was wearing a black jacket under a white T shirt and dark jeans.

"Are you done checking me out" I look up to sky whose smirking

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