{4} Drama Queen

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Important Authors Note at the end. Pls read it and understand!

I opened contacts on my phone and dialed Kayla Nelson's phone number,it was ringing and as soon as she picked it,I placed the speaker to my lips.

"ARE YOU INSANE?!" I yelled

"What happened" her pathetic tiny voice said

"How dare you post that dreadful photo on your Facebook!!"


"The recent photo you ding dong!"

"Oh...Ruby you look great in the photo"

"No I did not! I was wearing lip balm and everyone knows I wear lip stick to take a picture!"

I heard her sigh and mutter something like 'Drama Queen'

"Um what was that?"

"Nothing" she replied instantly

"Good,now go get rid of that awful photo" someone tapped me,it was Ashley and I turned to glare at her.

"I don't think I can take it down from Facebook"

"Was that a No?"


"Kayla,you better take that picture down or I'll sue you. I did it the last time and I won't hesitate to do it again!"

I hung up the phone

"What do you want Ashley? Didn't you see I was busy negotiating a problem maturely?"


"Stop stuttering,it annoys me" I cut her off and she took a deep breathe

"I need to go to the hospital,my mom is in labour"

"Well what are you waiting for,go and bring me back info about the new Ruby junior"

"Uh..its a boy"

"Then he would be the boy version of me"

Ashley grabbed her bags and heads out but then she came back with a smile on her face.


"Look at this"

She plays a video and there I could see a boy with White& Black hair which was surprisingly River dancing with a brunette.

"Who is she?"

"Cat Hills,she's a straight A student like you but nerdier"

I slammed my hand on the table causing Ashley to flinch

"How dare you compare me to a.....Nerd?!"

"I'm sorry,I didn't mean it like that"

I sighed "River is a player with an Ego as huge as the population of Canada"

"You know that was not very nice" I heard River's voice behind me

"What? Like it isn't true" I rolled my eyes

"I'll see you later Ruby" Ashley runs off

"Why are you going out with a Nerd anyway?"

"Because its called Love" Another new voice said

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