The Sticky Rice Caper

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Carmen zoomed in on her mirror to focus on the boat that was following her, before asking the Zack if he could shake the tail.

"I can shake it all night long" he laughed.

"Not your booty, the tail" she said pointedly

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"Not your booty, the tail" she said pointedly.

Zack pressed on the gas and they zoomed off, but the boat was still close behind. They weaved in and out of other boats and came up to a large barge that was turning across the canal, essentially blocking it. Zack sped up again and squeezed between the boat and the wall, leaving the others to crash into the boat. The driver of the barge ripped off her disguise to reveal Ivy, who leapt onto the boat below her.

 The driver of the barge ripped off her disguise to reveal Ivy, who leapt onto the boat below her

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"Sayonara mon amigos" she cried as they drove off.

"Nice of you to drop in" Rose smiled, lifting Ivy to her feet before resting her hand on a popped out hip. 

Meet Rose, Zack and Ivy's little sister. She's fifteen years old and has been with them since she was adopted at age 5.

"Alright sis, bring on the grub" Zack said rubbing his hands together. The resulting argument when he learnt that Ivy hadn't brought any food faded into background noise as she looked out the window to take in the view.

Zack was interrupted mid sentence by a paper bag being thrown at him. Opening it he gasped in delight to see it filled with a variety of pastries. Looking up he caught Rose sending him a wink with a take away drink in her hand.

"Thanks sis, you're the best!" he cried before digging in.

Across from them Carmen and Player were discussing the next lead from the hard drive. And the people who had been tracking them on the boat.

Meanwhile Julia had met up with Inspector Devineaux outside of Graham's cell, where Julia was expressing her doubt of Carmen's motives. However they would soon discover he was not in fact locked in the room. He was, in fact, being swiftly driven away by the Cleaners.

Dr Bellum and Professor Maelstrom discuss the news that Carmen is targeting their laboratory in Java.

Zak complains about his hunger and Ivy reminds him of the first time they met Carmen, before they come across the R&D lab. 

"A lady needs her tools." Is the only response they get in question of Carmen's attire.

Red Drone is sent in prompting confusion from Zack - "Wait, hold on. Red Drone's a "she"?"

"Red Drone's awesome. Of course she's a she."

"Obviously," replies Rose shrugging.

Red Drone sticks a USB stick into a port and Player shuts down the security cameras and the lasers.

They explore they empty room while Player digs through the computer. He learns that V.I.L.E. created super spores that could wipe out an entire rice field in hours.

They quickly follow truck tacks out the back door and Carmen tells them about the imitation rice they had back on the isle. They soon catch up to the truck and Carmen jumps down onto the top of it. While Tigress and Carmen are fighting Ivy starts to pick the lock on the truck.

Fruit smashed into the car's windscreen and Rose gagged at the smell, covering her mouth and nose with her shirt. "How can you eat that stuff?

"It tastes delicious. Want some?" He waved some of the offending fruit in her face and she leaned back, squishing herself against the back seat and shrieked at him. Their attention was refocused by a cry from Ivy as the doors of the truck swung open, showing she had successfully removed the lock. Unfortunately it also meant that she was now hanging over the edge of a cliff.

Carmen tries to shoot her a safety line with her grappling hook, but misses as Tigress attacks her again. Rose vaults over into the front seat, "Zack! Get me as close as you can." She orders as she climbs onto the front of the car. "Ivy grab hold of my hand," she calls desperately. Ivy  leaps for her and they both tumbled back into the car. Her nose wrinkled

"Eww, what crawled in here and died?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Rose replied sullenly, "I'm going to smell of durian fruit for days."

Carmen flips off the back of their car after her grapple hook catches on it. While the rest of the team circle round to pick her back up she converses with Player on her finding and possible theories.

Rose slid around the back of the crowds watching the shadow play, keeping an eye out for Tigress as Carmen ordered. Zack and Ivy were walking nearer up on the stilts they had found lying around. Rose was actually quite impressed with how well they were balancing up there, she expected them to fall over long before now. Oops, spoke too soon - Ivy disappeared as one of her stilts went out from under her. This was quickly followed by Zack jumping down from his stilts and new shadows appearing behind the screen that she recognised as Carmen and Tigress. She raced round to see them battling it out to the beat of the drums before Tigress raced off. She pulled at the crate of skyrockets as the fuse burnt down with each passing second.

"Uh guys, a little help here?"

Thankfully Zack and Ivy came over, helping her to lift it away to safety. They walked off discussing the idea of celebration food.

Meanwhile Crackle was strapped into chair as Dr Bellum and Professor Maelstrom grinned creepily at him.

Hi! If you look closely you can probably see the changes I made in writing style each time I came back to this. I think I've finally settled on one I like though. See you next chapter!

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