Confessions Unleashed

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I put my navy blue Range Rover in park and open the door. I take my keys out of the ignition. I pull the handle on the door, opening it and step out, gently shutting the door behind me.

I open the trunk, bending down to get my homework / study binder and purse out. I hear whistling behind me and turn around seeing the group of boys looking at my ass. I flip them the bird with my right hand, the one with my black FU ring that I loved entirely too much.

I turn back to my car and shut the trunk. just as I was about to begin to walk towards the band hall across the street from my car and the school, I feel the warmth of arms wrapping around my waist. I finish my turn, see a face I found all too familiar.

I hug my boyfriend, Bradley. we head toward the band hall. we've been in band since 6th grade. we're in 10th now. I play the drums, which my entire family expected from me. Brad plays the trumpet.

the only reason I come in here in the mornings is to get the shit I leave in here over night, my school binders. I only take my homework / study binder home at night because what's the point of bringing something home if you aren't gonna use it. plus, Trey comes in here to but his swim bag in here, until practice.

I always love to see his amazingly wonderful face before I get to work in the mornings. it gives me something to look forward to in the day, getting to see his gorgeous eyes before the day even begins.

I turn to go the my locker and look back at Brad seeing him about to walk out the door. he turns around and looks at me, blowing me a kiss, i catch it and put my hand over my heart. just as I do so, Trey walks in.

he walks past me and murmurs, "yall are so cheesy, it's disgusting." i lightly slap the back of his neck. "you're just jealous." I say back. "hardly." he turns around smirking.

I follow him into the locker room, me heading towards my locker, him towards his. I put in the combination and open it. I begin to grab my binders when I am quickly turned around and pushed against the locker.

"ow." I say, sarcastically. "did I hurt you?" Trey says in the most annoying baby voice ever. "hardly." I say, smirking. I try copying his smirk, but his has a sexy tilt to it, and my mouth doesn't do that.

"poor baby." he says. he put his face in the crook of my neck, leaving it there, not moving or kissing or anything. "what the hell are you doing?" I ask. "I love the way you smell." he replies, quietly. I see his face again and I feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

he slid his hands from my waist to my hips then into my back pockets, I will never understand why he does this so much, but it sends chills up my thighs.

"Reagan?" he says, almost inaudible. "yes?" I didn't realize my eyes were closed until I had to open them to see. I look him in the eyes to see him staring back with guilt.

"I have to tell you something." he says, beginning to scare me. "what is it Trey, you're scaring me." "I think I have feelings for you." "really?" I say, confused.

"NOPE. you really thought," he says, busting out laughing, "but I had you going there for a minute." he continued. "that's more like the Trey I know." I replied back, pretending to not be hurt my his smart ass remark.

the sad thing was, I had feelings for him, but I couldn't tell him. I had Bradley. what am I suppose to do?

I mean don't get me wrong, I love Brad. but I love the sensation I get everywhere when I'm near Trey. and whereas Bradley won't do anything with me, Trey does, all the time. we do things. like he's touched me, from the most gentle ways possible, to almost too rough for me to handle.

while all this thinking is happening in my head, I hadn't heard a work Trey had said. "Reagan." he said, waving his hand in my face. " huh? what?" I said. "nothing." he said, slight disappointment in his eyes, and in a second it was gone and his lips were on mine. "I really do like you though." he softly said into the kiss.

tell me what you guys think, please. I love hearing what you have to say. there is a picture of what Rea was wearing this day. hope you like. until next time, byyye.✌️

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