Chapter 2: Leaving

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I awoke to my mother shaking me back and forth.

"C'mon. Get up, Olivia." She mumbled. I groaned loudly so she knew I was awake. It was odd of her to wake me, especially on a Saturday. She usually lets me sleep in. Something must be wrong.

"M-Mom? Why are you waking me up? Let me sleep in. It's too early..." I looked at my clock which read 6:30am.

"I need to talk to you. Now." She sounded serious. There was a hint of sadness in her voice also. I got nervous at this point. This is very strange. This must be important.

I flew my covers off my bed and sat up. I shifted my legs so they dangled off the edge of the bed and I planted my feet onto the ground.

I slipped on my pajama pants because I hate wearing pants to bed. I don't feel comfortable with them. They are always riding up my legs when I change positions.

I walked out into our living room/kitchen where my mom was sitting on the couch, her hands folded neatly in her lap. A woman in a black suit sat next to her. I stiffened at the sight of the woman. I gave my mom a dirty look at I tried to make myself look presentable. She didn't tell me someone was over our apartment. My hair was messy and sticking out everywhere. My pajamas were torn and wrinkled and I probably smelled.

"Hi..." I said plainly, trying to figure out what was going on. I studied the woman closely. She looked like she worked for something or someone important. She had a wide smile plastered on her face but I could tell it was fake. I started to get nervous. I started asking myself a lot of questions. "Who is this? Why is she here? Is it about out apartment? Our financial issues? My dad?" I paused at the last thought and cringed, remembering the dream I had last night or rather this morning.

"Hello Olivia. Please come sit on the couch with us." The woman said, her voice sounded fake also. Almost all of her was fake, like she was trying to impress. I slowly made my way over to the couch. I sat down next to my mother who had put her head down.

"I don't want to sound rude, but what is happening here? I'm really confused." I spoke the truth. I was scared and curious at the same time. Could this be about me?

"My name is Sarah Kellies but you can call me Miss Kellies. I am from Child Services. Your mother called me to come over and discuss somethings with you." This didn't sound good.

"What? Mom... Why did you call them? What's happening?" I could feel tears building up but I had to hold them back. Now was not the time to cry.

My mother looked at me with her eyes watering. Her cheeks were stained with tear streaks.
"I-I had to call them Olivia. I... I..."
She couldn't get her words out. What she was about to tell me must be bad.

"You what? Mom. Please tell me." I was practically begging her. She was having a hard time saying it. I started to shake from nervousness. I tried to conceal my shaking by holding my hands down firmly.

"Olivia... I can't take care of you anymore." Those words hit me like a brick. She couldn't take care of me? Was I misbehaving? Was I an obstacle? "My income is very low. You know that. It's not enough to support a child. It's barely enough to support me. It's finally caught up. I can't pay for the extra food and clothes and schooling." She covered her face with her hands and sobbed harder than she had when she found out when my father died.

I couldn't believe what she was saying. I didn't want to leave my mother. I loved her so much. I couldn't leave her now. "I-I can not eat as much. I promise. And I can have your hand-me-downs. I don't need new clothes. And I don't need that much school supplies. Just a notebook and pencil. And no field trips. I-I'll do anything to stay with you." There was no point in holding back my tears anymore. I let them flow from my eyes.

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