Prologue: First Encounters.

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Monday, 2 days before the incident, 7:40 am

It's winter and it's cold as fu-. Starting the day with a swear is never a good thing. Although, I don't usually expect good things. As to what I'm doing, well, I'm in my usual spot - in a tree drinking coffee and stalking everyone. Okay, that's a joke, I call it observing the life of those poor in spirit and mind.  Too harsh? Oh well.

The scenery is nice. Watching how people get out of the bus and then head over to school with hands tucked deeply inside their coats and white puffs of breath coming out of their mouths. Some girls hugging their friends and guys having a handshake.

One guy in particular stands out from the rest. Nathan Hill. It's a habit of mine, observing him. Okay, stop with the "weirdo" conclusions I'm watching everyone, he just... happens to be there, like, every morning.

Not helping my case? Oh well..

He's wearing an oversized winter jacket, and talking to one of his dumb ass friends. His dark brown hair is messed up and windblown, no but seriously, doesn't he own a hairbrush? Criticising your own crush early in the morning, bad girl Maddison. You have not been raised well.

Really? You're giving me the well manner speech again? Moving on...

Nathan has the cutest dimples that always appear whenever he smiles. He has this cat-like grin that only he can make look friendly. It's weird, this boy gets away with talking back to teachers and running around hallways. People unconditionally trust him, and it doesn't matter if some days he comes to school smartly dressed, and other times he has on a cheap, worn out sweater.

A few students underneath my tree look up and jump a bit, did I startle them?

Oh no, please don't tell me I'm talking to myself out loud again, that always blows my cover. Well, I don't really have much of a cover, all the leaves are gone and the only reason why they don't notice me is because I'm quite high up. I thought they were used to the fact that I always sit here, at first, there was a real commotion around it (teachers involved and everything) but since I'm on the cemetery grounds while I'm on the tree, they can't really make me not to do it. The bus station is right next to the cemetery, both are pretty close to school and the cemetery happens to have some really cool trees and this tiny coffee booth is right next to the bus stop. You do the math.

My name is Maddison Riley. Two D's in Maddison. I don't know why it's so important to let everyone know that my name has two D's in it. After all, it's pronounced the same as Madison, and it's not like the world is going to end if they don't know that my name has two D's in it. I guess it's like a tribute to my parents, for giving me a regular name, but with two D's. Don't know why they did that, still, I'm embracing it.

I think I once heard the kids call my tree "Maddison's tree" but I'm not sure. I'm also not sure if they know that my name has two D's in it. I look at my watch and realise it's time for me to get down. My butt is frozen and aching as well, so that's another sign. I throw down the empty coffee can first and then take off my gloves (it's hard to hold on to something if you're wearing gloves). I reach the last branch in a few seconds and then let myself fall still holding on to it with both hands, upon landing I touch the ground lightly with my fingertips. I'm as graceful as it gets, ask anyone.

Or maybe don't.

They might have witnessed that one time when I managed to face-plant straight in to the ground. What? I had an epiphany about my life on my way down, okay? It was a great moment... spiritually! As hilarious as it might have looked, I had dirt in my hair for the rest of the day. Not cool.

I'm just about to cross the street when I notice something, something that can't be true. Something that mustn't happen is about to happen. Nathan is standing just next to a building with phone in his hand, and just above him, on the roof, the ice is slowly moving. Huge block of ice moving inch by inch slowly reaching the roof's edge just above where he's standing. It can't be seen with a regular eye. It's going to fall in approximately 5.2 seconds. I don't have any time to think this over, if it falls on him, he's dead.So I do what I do best - I run.

I bump straight in to him, grabbing him by his jacket and pushing him away. He loses balance immediately and we land with a loud thump, and half a meter a way lands the ice block. I hide my face in his scarf and feel bits of cold landing on my neck and hands. His smell is intoxicating and all I can think about is... all I can think...

After a painful realisation that I can't actually get my thoughts straight while being on top of him, wait, that sounds dirty, bad girl Maddison.

Takes one to know one.

Am I seriously fighting with myself at a time like this?

I carefully take my head out of his neck and the first thing that catches my attention is two stunned light blue eyes. No, no, no! Crap! I totally forgot who I am back then. I quickly roll off him and get to my feet.

"Next time do me a favour and watch where you're standing." I quickly say to his confused face. Gosh he looks so cute it's illegal. Seriously? That's what you're thinking about? Focus, for once in your life, focus!

"Maddison?" He furrows his eyebrows and looks at me like he's not sure whether he's dreaming.

"The one and only! Listen, the class is about to start, I have to go. How about we forget this ever happened huh?" I suggest. By that time he's already on his feet carefully touching the back of his head, I hope he didn't hit it too hard. What if he has a concussion? Who cares, he's alive, now leave!

"How did... how did you get here? I mean, you only just got down from the deat... I mean, your tree." Damn, why is he so observant? Die Nathan! Die!! Oh wait, too soon? Yes it's too soon you freak, he's waiting for an answer, stop talking to you and think of some good explanation like...

"I was umm... I ran... and I have a very... advanced speed technique, yeah..." Great Maddison, you're an official 'genius'.

"How can you possibly be that fast? Didn't you fail gym class?" I'm aware now that he's fully recovered from the blow. I can hear the little wheels turning inside his head. Damn it! Change. The. Subject. 

"How do you know about that? And it's only because I don't go to gym class, ever, I mean Mr. Hopner stinks, literally, I've considered giving him Lady Speed-Stick for Christmas." Nathan chuckles at that but it still seems like he's doubting me. "Anyway," I continue quickly, while he's off-guard, "So yeah, as you have already comprehended, I'd like for you to forget about this, alright, see you...never!" 

 His smile quickly changes to confusion but I don't give him enough time to reply. There's only one way to get out of this, so for the second time today, I do what I do best, I run.

a/n- covers drawing - paperfashion

I am beginning to edit this just for fun, I will make it more readable as time goes by. It's not that the mistakes are overwhelming, however, I will have a degree in English Philology this summer and over these past years I have clearly had a "system-update" and can now notice some things  here I could improve. Overall, this book is very fun and I hope you enjoy it! <3 your comments give me life guys!

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