12| love and hate

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I had shaken the events from yesterday, instead just trying to take each day as it came.

I had realised that there was no point in worrying over the past or what was to come but what was happening now.

After last night, I had driven back to Lennox's house in my car and slept over at his.

He and I had been friends for ages now and staying at his place was almost a daily occurrence.

The thing that troubled me was that Lennox appeared to still be angry. He led me to the guest room and then went to his, not asking if we should watch a movie like he usually did.

Lennox was seriously never angry. The thing I liked most about him was that he was so different from me. Where I kept most things in, he let them all out and he was always so full of positivity and light. I could count on my fingers the number of times he had been like this, the first time being almost five years ago.

Lying in bed underneath the duvet that smelt like his detergent, I worried about him.

But knowing Lennox, I knew he'd be asleep by now and I'd just have to battle this in the morning, hoping I wouldn't have to.

• • •

I had managed to fall asleep at around four in the morning.

Checking my phone, I saw that I had been out for almost six hours which wasn't too bad for my insomniac ass.

My stomach grumbled as I tried to flatten my bed hair whilst sitting up.

As if on cue, Lennox popped his head through my door and my heart stopped in anticipation.

I didn't want him to be angry anymore.

But as I saw his face which had his usual smile, I grinned back at him genuinely happy that he was over whatever it was.

He came over to me and sat near me on the bed.

"Let's go get some breakfast at Jon's," his voice still deep from sleep.

Jon's was the breakfast place near Finchley manor that had gotten very popular last year. Lennox and I had been going for years and it was the nicest place that we liked to call ours.

My belly grumbled again, answering his question for me.

He looked at me and laughed, "I guess that's a yes. Get ready quick before it gets busy."

Very excited to eat my breakfast burrito, I stood up and turned around, proceeding to shrug my nightwear off that I kept at Lennox's house and then change into my clothes for the day.

When I had finished and turned around, Lennox looked weird.

If he wasn't my best friend I wouldn't have noticed but I couldn't help but see his slightly reddened cheeks and a glimpse of guilt in his eyes.

I walked up to him and shoved him playfully.

"What is up with you?" I asked, cocking my head to study him.

He didn't look at me for a while but when he did, his face was back to normal.

"Nothing you weirdo."

Rolling my eyes at his response, I walked to the door and could hear him behind me.

Just as I was about to open the door, I stopped and turned so that I was gazing into his eyes, all my playfulness from earlier gone, the events of yesterday still in my mind. I had to know what had happened to him and if he was okay.

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