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~Elora's POV~

3 Years Ago...

Pain shook every part of my body, my head throbbed and agony shot up my spine. I slowly willed my head to look up as he entered the room, I struggled against my bonds as he approached me, preparing my body for more pain. 

His slow and menacing laugh echoed around the concrete room, I had grown accustom to it, but it still sent shivers down my spine. 

"No one is coming to save you,"  he said, dragging wires behind him. 

"What are you going to do to me?" I asked as he placed the wires to my head, and connected them to a grey box.

He laughed and thew his head back, making my blood run cold.

"Someday someone will break you so badly that you'll become unbreakable." he whispered in my ear, "today's your lucky day Elora."

With that I saw him switch on the device, and my body convulsed with pain, and electricity surged through me.

~Present Time~

My gloved hands shook as I looked at them. It had been two hours since the group had left and I was sitting next to the ice machine waiting for their return. My black turtleneck itched my skin as I stood up. Straitening my black jeans I start to head back inside the motel to pack up my things, and look for cheaper accommodation. 

I'm almost to the door when a car pulled up, the one that belonged to this group of people I've been watching. Dick,  (the driver) watches me make my way into the motel before letting them out. Shit, he must think I'm a stalker of something, I mean I just listened to one conversation.

As I'm walking up the stairs I realise it's already dark, and that the group of people are still outside. I finally made it to my room, grabbed my black backpack and stuffed it with my few belongings. I swing it over my back and lock the door behind me, pocketing the key. I go back down the stairs and hand the owner the key.

"I hope you enjoyed your stay!" I nod with a smile and open the door into the cool night. 

Walking out I spot the two teenagers talking by the undercover seating area, having a conversation of their own, I choose not to eavesdrop. I walk out of the parking lot and onto the footpath, knowing where I'll stay tonight. I pass the two adults who are also talking quietly amongst themselves. As I walk by I can feel eyes on the back of my head. I turn the corner to the side of the building and decide to sleep by the trash cans tonight, at least its free. 


I awake with a start, realising that it was just another nightmare. Just as I'm about to doze off again I hear a car pulling up, checking my watch I realise its 11 o'clock, who would come in at this time?

Peering around the corner I watch as a family of four exit the car. I was about to turn around until I see them bring out power tools and bats, family-heist-day I'm guessing. Without thinking I grab my pocket knife from my jeans and slowly make my way toward them, keeping a safe distance away. I stay at the bottom of the stairs waiting for them to come down, but I hear screams and a bottle smash. Running up the stairs I come face to face with broken glass and two deadly looking children holding down pink hair. 

Grunts come from the other room, I'm guessing the cop is putting up a fight. I run at the two kids and stab the boy in the shoulder, turning his attention to me. Pink hair grabs the girl by her arm and pins her against the wall; until she gets pushed down. The girl grabs a knife and pushes it down to the ground at pink hair, who rolled away before impact. The boy grabs a bat and runs at me, but I grab it and push it back, flipping him. He comes at me again, this time kicking me in the shin, causing me to fall. I swing my leg underneath him, and he falls as I get back up. Pink hair fights her opponent, before beating her to the ground. I punch the boy continuously and kick him in the get before he falls down.

Pink hair looks at me, her mouth opening as if to ask something; but before she can both siblings sit back up, as if robots; and run at us. This time however the bat comes flying at pink hair, and demon girl comes for me. Pink hair blocks the bat and used it as a choke hold, before throwing him down the stairs. I run at the girl before she moves, and I flip off the wall, turn in midair and wrap my legs around her throat, pulling us both to the ground. I grab her whip and  push her down the stairs as well.

Pink hair just stares at me for a while, our heavy breathing filling up the silence.

"Kory." She states, putting out her hand. 

"Elora." I reply, taking it.

She runs down the stairs (chasing after her friends I presume.) 

"Wheres Dick?" Purple hair exclaims as Kory runs toward them. She checks behind her, as if she expects me to be following her. I smirk, hidden in the shadows. 

"I don't know." She replies panting. 

"Kory?!" Says green hair uncertainly, I check my surroundings. Damn it! The oddly suspicious Dad walks forward, bat in hand. Just as I start to move forward, Kori's eyes glow green and her body starts to turn orange.

I knew it.

They are like me.

Poisoned Love// Jason Todd x OC ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now