18| new friends

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Shocked was an understatement and I was rarely ever shocked in my life.

This whole day had felt like a blur.

From watching her defiantly stand up unafraid to a person that had been stalking her, having seen her hug a monster of a man who I had thought would kill our group with not a single ounce of mercy to then seeing her fight a girl with muscles twice her size in a fight that I thought she would've definitely lost, I had no words as my mind tried to comprehend her, coming up blank.

I had often thought of myself as skilled in the ability to look at someone and with one look into their eyes, completely understand their desires, fears and motifs.

However, this green-eyed girl was an enigma, the hardest puzzle whose pieces I couldn't fit together, no matter the number of times I tried.

With her, I had expected one thing and got another, thought I knew everything about her and in the next second was surprised at the amount of secrets she had been hiding. My mind felt foggy in confusion as I tried to think what to think. It was strange.

I was always ten steps ahead but with this girl, I felt a million steps backwards, lost in what direction to move in, how to approach it, how to feel about her. It was like my mind was split into two and they were battling it out constantly without break.

Ever since first gazing at her face in that parking lot what felt like years ago, despising her instantly, despising the attraction I felt towards her, I couldn't help but start to go against it now as she contradicted my every expectation. I could feel the feelings that I felt towards her slowly start to change as I saw more and more sides to her. My initial despise stemmed from the fact that all I saw in her was her father but that vision was too slowly starting to disappear.

But unfortunately, there was still a piece of me that held onto the pain and hatred, needing it because, without it, I'd be without any driving force, without anything. I wouldn't exist; I'd have nothing left to live for.

The confusion I felt towards her was not only in me; I could feel it in my brothers next to me as well as in her ex who I now felt some unexplainable darkness towards and her best friend.

If they, two close people of hers, didn't know her, I doubt anyone else could.

All five of us continued to watch her across the room. Ever since that fight, she had moved to the bar space, getting drinks with her opponent.

As the drinks flowed and the alcohol entered their bloodstreams, Darcy became lighter and lighter, looking as if she was going to float upwards into the air. Her smile and laughter brought joy to those around her and I sat here surprised to see her so happy. All I had ever seen from her was anger and bitterness aimed at me and I couldn't help but see yet another side of her.

Soon, more and more people joined the duo, laughing with them and sharing their joy whilst I watched them from the darkness in my corner.

Something dark was flowing through my veins and unlike Darcy, it wasn't alcohol. It was jealousy.

It was a foreign emotion in me but I could understand why I was feeling it. Ever since chaos had been released on my life, there was a bleak depravity of light in my heart. I hadn't been able to see life as I once did when I was little and looking at the smiles on their faces, joyous delight pouring out of their very pores, I realised shockingly that maybe that was something that I wanted. But the sentiment I shook from my head; I couldn't be like that again, not until I had done what I needed to do.

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