Part 38 part 1

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After I left I went to the stores to pick up food for the party. When I got home I fed the babies again and put them down for a nap. While they were napping I cleaned the house and made the food.

——couple hours later——

After everything was done it was 5:00 the party didn't start till 5:30 I put the babies on there play mat then I went to change. I put this on.

 I put this on

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After I put some perfume on

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After I put some perfume on. Then mattia walked in.

M: Hey mamas you look beautiful as always(he said as he kissed me on the cheek)

Y: thank bebe and you look sexy as always!

M: is Ashley coming to pick up the babies?

Y: yes!(I said as I walked out of the room)

I back the babies things because she'll have them over night. I gave them each a kiss and put them in there car seats. Then I heard a knock on the door I opened it and it was Ashley we talked for a couple minutes then she left. Mattia and the boys came down looking cute as always.

A couple minutes later

There was already a lot of people. More and more people would show up. Mattia has his arm around me the whole time. He introduced me to a lot of his old friends. After he was talking with  and old friend of his I went to get a drink I poured my self a glass of whine. I turned around and there was this tall guys standing there looking at me with his blue eyes.

?:Hi you must be y/n!

Y: hi umm who are you again?

?: I'm josh Richards I'm a old friend of Mattias!

Y: oh nice to meet you josh(I said as shook his hand)

After mattia walked over to me.

M: Hey bebe I've been looking all over for you!

Y: oh I've been over here talking to your friend josh!

M: oh Hey josh(he said as they bro hugged)

Y: How long have you knew each other?

J: since freshman year!

Y: oh mattia you went to school!

M: yeah who hasn't

Y: well I didn't know that!

M: well now you do!

J: well ima go!

Y: bye(I said as he walked alway)

After mattia went to use the restroom Ale pulled me into a room.

Ale: I like you a lot y/n!

Y: Ale I think your drunk!

Ale: No I'm not I'm being honest(he said as he started kissing me)

I tried pulling alway but it was so right!
Idk what was going threw my mind.
He pushed me down on the bed he look off his clothes and he took off my dress we were both naked now he lined up his Dick to the Entrance of my pussayyy💀
And started pounding in and out of me he cover my mouth with his hand he didn't want Anybody hearing us. But the I heard the door open and there was mattia standing at the door shocked! He ran up to Ale and Started punching him I hurried up and put my dress back on. The boys ran upstairs and tried to get mattia off of Ale but it wasn't working.

M: wtf Ale why did you do that you son of a bitch!(he said screaming at him)

There was blood Everywhere I thought he was gonna kill him. I was screaming at mattia to let him go he got up a smacked me. He grabbed my Neck and pushed me into the wall.

M: you should've thought before you did it(he said as he whisper in my ear)

Y: but it's ok for you to cheat!!!

M: we were never ima relationship!

After he left the room i walked over to my bed and sat down. Ale got up.

Ale: you stupid hoe(he said as he walked out of the room.

Wtf did I do I said to my self.


Everyone has left now I been just sitting on my bed crying. Mattia and the boys left somewhere. I decided to take a shower so I could feel a little better. After I got out I put this on.

After I laid in bed and cried more till I fell asleep

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After I laid in bed and cried more till I fell asleep.


DEAR MATTIAPOLIBIO I'M STILL WAITING TO SEE WHAT YOU  PACKING IM waiting I'm still waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪


I'm so sorry I'm so horny I wanna cryyyyyyyyyy🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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