Chapter 1

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-A White Orb-

Adira Davenport's dad decided to move back to his home town, Westwood California. It's a little coastal town with a population of 1500. The last time she was here was when she was four. It's all new to her, coming back as a 16 year old girl. It's the first day of school tomorrow, and that means making new friends.

"I'm sure you'll make some," Adira's dad tried to reassure her after she told him her doubts. "You just gotta put yourself out there."

"And embarrass myself?" Adira crossed her arms and looked up at him. He had brown hair exactly the same shade as hers. When they smiled in pictures together, people would always comment on how similar they look. Except for the eyes. His were wide and a walnut brown. Adira's were amber, orange and narrow. They were her mom's eyes.

Adira shuddered at the thought and looked away from her dad. She dropped her arms to her side. He put a hand on her shoulder, thinking she was still focused on the high school trouble. "Adira, it'll be just fine."

Oh, how Adira wishes she could hear those words from her dad again.

Later that night, as Adira sat at the dinner table with her dad and stepmom, a cold chill ran down her spine, as if a window had been opened. But there were no open windows. And it was warm in the house from the crackling fire in the living room.

"We just got word of a strong storm coming from the East. We suggest that everyone stay off the roads tonight and stay inside..." A woman reported over their local news broadcast.

"Sounds bad. At least we won't be out there," Adira's stepmom commented with a dramatic shudder.

Something was off. It was strange. The tingling feeling on the back of her neck wouldn't ease, like someone was standing right behind her, their eyes boring holes into the back of her head.

Adira pushed the chair back, making a loud screech that interrupted her parent's chat. They stared back with puzzled frowns. "I'm finished. Thanks for dinner," she said quickly, threw her plate in the kitchen sink, and darted up the stairs to her bedroom, not knowing if they actually understood her.

Adira sat down on her bed and put her head in her hands. She felt sick. Her head pounded and her stomach swirled in anxiety. She needed some air. She needed to get out of this house. She needed to escape this weird feeling.

Adira hurried back down the stairs and to the front door. "I'm going for a walk," she yelled through the house. She turned the knob and started to open the door. Her dad emerged from the dining room.

"Do you think that's the best idea, Adira? I mean, the storms about to come in..."

"I don't feel good. I just need to get outside. I won't go too far." Adira forced a smile. Her dad hesitated for along moment before finally nodding.

"Okay, but don't go too far!" her dad yelled as she hopped down the porch of her house. It was nighttime, but the moon brightened up the sky. She began walking down the street. It wasn't a normal neighborhood. There were houses here and there, and in between was the forest. A few street lamp were placed but a few had their lights go out and haven't been replaced since.

Adira took a deep breath and watched the moon as she continued. It was almost full, just a sliver of the giant rock was dark. The stars were clear in the sky. She could locate a few constellations, like Libra and of course, the Big Dipper. A part of her has always been fascinated by space. Maybe just the sky in general. How it's endless. How there are so many unknown things. The mystery thrills Adira. But she also couldn't stand it.

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