Chapter 4

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-A New Kid with Some Cool Water Powers-

It glowed. Adira sucked in her breath. Last time that had happened a monster had almost eaten her. But also, last time it hurt. It just tingles now. Adira looked around cautiously before continuing.

She stumbled forward, taking in the high school as she walked. The buildings were decorated with whites and blues. In big bold letters the words "GO DODO BIRDS!" were painted on the side of a large wall. Adira smirked. She had never heard of a school with a dodo bird as their mascot. She wondered what kind of chant they did during games or pep rallies.

As Adira continued to the front of the school, she realized the tingling on her wrist was becoming more intense. She examined her wrist for a moment. A girl screamed. Adira snapped her head up and rushed out into the parking lot to find a bunch of high school students in nice gowns and suits standing in a line in front of the gym. A girl had screamed because who seemed to be her boyfriend picked her up and twirled her around in surprise.

Adira winced as that small action of jogging a few feet sent pain shooting down her legs and up to her shoulders. She looked back at her symbol. It was glowing more brightly now. She had an idea. She backed up to where she was before and the light dimmed. Adira raised her brows. Oh, she thought, it's like hot and cold.

Adira kept her wrist up as she continued forward. She stopped as it led her to the front of the gym. A school dance raged on inside. A big banner was posted up above the doors: Spring Fling Dance 2020! Adira bit her lip. She always wanted to go to a big formal school dance. At her old school, there wasn't many people and the one dance they had was just casual. Adira just wished this school dance was under different circumstances.

She stepped into the gym. Music blasted and a horde of teenage students quickly enveloped Adira. She tried to concentrate on her glowing wrist, but quickly noticed how her clothes were compared to the others. Her torn shirt and blood covered body and their sparkling gowns and fitted suits. Adira just hoped they were too wrapped up in their dancing to notice her.

She finally squeezed through the mass of sweaty bodies and to a hallway that led to another part of the school. There were a few people there, some talking excitedly and others just making out. She kept her wrist at her chest because the glow was even brighter now. The farther she went down the dark hall of lockers and classrooms, the less people till there was finally none. The glow faded.

Adira stopped. She held in her breath, expecting the worst. But there was just silence. She furrowed her brows. Suddenly there was a loud BOOM that probably shook the whole school.

A body was shot out from the boy's restroom and thrown into the lockers across from it. Adira watched with her mouth open. A giant monster emerged from the hole in the wall. It had the head of a dragon and body of a python. Green saliva dripped from its large fangs as it slithered forward towards the body.

Adira realized the body was a boy about her age. He looked pretty worn down. His hair was drenched in sweat and blood trickled down his lip and head. He reached his hand out and water shot out from a nearby drinking fountain. It sprayed on the creature. The water only affected it for a minute before pursuing the boy again. The snake-dragon raised its body into a pouncing position. Adira had to think fast.

She pulled out her hilt and held it out in front of her. She willed it to do something, anything. But nothing happened. She grunted in frustration and raised to the sky. "Why won't this work?" she yelled, emotion pouring into her words.

Time seemed to stop as thunder boomed and lighting struck the hilt of her sword. Adira blinked away the black spots that came from the flash of light and her mouth dropped. The hilt was no longer just a hilt. Now it was a gleaming sliver sword flickering with electricity.

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